: Transmuteo
+ ... Voyage to Infinity with Whales and Dragons
Transmuteo a
29 Minute Video
Transmuteo is a 30 minute animated visual feast of
the beautiful inner world of visionary artist, Jean-Luc Bozzoli.
A French artist living in the Pacific Islands for the past 55
immersed in the holographic world of wild dolphins and whales,
sharing their multi-dimensional wisdoms
introducing the metamorphosis of a New Human via our Transmutation
nurtured by our incoming solar Energies
This DVD assists in shifting consciousness into this New Time/Space
realm of Creative Experience.
the edge of our universe, this jeweler is working alchemy with
light... is this garden you hope to see in your next life time...
Channon Social Architect
vision of what our reality must be like in the higher dimensions
it continually brought tears to my eyes and triggered
beautiful memories of times long gone by... Ronna Herman Author/Lecturer
..."Transmuteo'' is presented with the elegance and integrity
of a mystic Artist on Spiritual Quest. Jean-Luc's latest offering
is the
fruit of many years of deep personal exploration of 4th Dimensional
relationship, the Sacred Union of Masculine and Feminine and
the perspectival shift that occurs in the individual undergoing
spiritual evolution." the Tsa'A'Densoul, Storyteller
hypnotic and TRANCE-LIKE effects set a protective field, which
will balance
your left and right brain at a quantum level. Clarify the unconscious,
access your multi-dimensionality, and ease into the new paradigms.
Claudia Suen, Self-development coach.s...
to Infinity with
Whales and Dragons
to Infinity with Whales and Dragons a
29 Minute Video
After a surprising encounter with a Dragon How was
I going to be able to share this adventure? or was it a
Thunderbird Vision?
It was more than a physical experience, it was out of this world
or multi-dimensional.
Like of download of unknown feelings luckily I can use my
telepathy" via colors.
Here is the 30 minute Art-film that will take you into this Journey
visiting beautiful parallel plane of existence
beyond our 3d. mind.
It is an inspiring and relaxing film... assisting in creating
our own future and new time-line
where energies are flowing faster with our gratitude for Nature
then her mysteries open.
It is healing with beauty.. harmonizing with the codes of our
cosmic origins: like the inner world of the Whales and Dolphins...
treasure chests of cosmic truths that are hidden dormant
within all of us. ~ Jean-Luc -
An Australian
mystical - walkabout/Dreamtime - caravan journey in 1982
with a group of friends, mystics and musicians, across the desert
of Australia to meet the dolphins in Western Australia ( a clip
from a 2hours movie called Monkey Mia : a deserted bay in 1982
like a tribe of 11 adults+ 7 kids)
A human-dolphin pod in a nomadic sustainable living. Here are 2 minutes
of Jean-Luc painting in speed time all our vehicles