films are active meditations... while you are mesmerized by traveling
through these etherial and fantastic 3D sceneries,
your right-brain / intuitive field ... is activated to explore
and expand deeper into your own inner and creative potentials
... for New Beginnings.
is a 30 minute animated visual feast of the beautiful inner world
of visionary artist, Jean-Luc Bozzoli.
A French
artist living in the Pacific Islands for the past 45 years, Jean-Luc
has spent thousands of hours
immersed in the holographic undersea world of wild dolphins and
whales, sharing the visions and wisdoms
awakened within him through his art... by feeling the multi-aspects
of Nature.
This DVD assists in shifting consciousness into this New Time/Space
realm of Creative Experience.
...at the edge
of our universe, this jeweler is working alchemy with light...
...it is this garden you hope to see in your next life time...
Jim Channon Social Architect HOW
a vision
of what our reality must be like in the higher dimensions
it continually brought tears to my eyes and triggered
beautiful memories of times long gone by... Ronna Herman
" ..."Transmuteo''
is presented with the elegance and integrity of a mystic Artist
on Spiritual Quest. Jean-Luc's latest offering is the
fruit of many years of deep personal exploration of 4th Dimensional
relationship, the Sacred Union of Masculine and Feminine and
the perspectival shift that occurs in the individual undergoing
spiritual evolution." the Tsa'A'Densoul, Storyteller
hypnotic and TRANCE-LIKE effects set a protective field, which
will balance
your left and right brain at a quantum level. Clarify the unconscious,
access your multi-dimensionality, and ease into the new paradigms.
- Claudia
Suen, Self-development coach.
E.T. civilizations with Art.
Art is an expression of our heart. The center of a passionate
energy that spins in our chest, projecting music, visions and
Heart is the key to a Love beyond all imagination, yet what we
can imagine opens the gates that lift up our inner potentials
to free our soul.
with TRANSMUTEO, access advanced parallel civilizations in company
of the gentle holographic power of dolphins and whales.
Their language is multi-dimensional geometries, and dormant telepathic
communication within us link us with ever expanding possibilities.
these adventures: The International Dolphin Connection
A beautiful
Wave of Change
Dragon is also the Keeper of an higher Treasure:
the Flow of - Water & Light - that unites all our Energy Centers,
or Chakras like a rainbowed caduceus ...
the key into the blossoming of our full potentials.. where our
next journey will be our multi-dimensional life."
the latest Portals to travel towards INFINITY with Whales and
Whales . . . . Dragons
. . . . Swim with Dolphins
Second Coming " 1979 : cover of Australian magazin Simply
Living - issue about the origins of the Dolphin Consciousness

" Second Coming
" 1979 - 1980: notice the human baby inside = the birth of
a new awareness with Earth's Love, respect and multi-dimensional

Stargate Hawaii

Oceania Australia

Teleportation Hawaii

© 2009 - © 2014 Jean-Luc Bozzoli - Website powered
by PHOTON.net