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Within our
"star-nature" are our tools of Transmutation
= Love focuses, balances and transforms our field of energies
into wings - our trans-dimensional magnetic / electric "vessels"
"Always fascinated to experience
the mystery of " INFINITY " ; the ultimate
Source of a not far-distant world... an "here/now" realm
and perception..
- Simply listening to the" MUSE " : our
pure Feminine aspect, Mirrors of our Gratitude, the INTUITION
and Co-creation. The Sacred Yin Beyond cultures and genders
- We are naturally linked with our innate nurturing innovative...
Deep within.. are memories
of "our real life"
a timeless beauty before birth
& after death.. beyond the veils of the restricted physical
Access this simply by Living in Harmony with NATURE.
Solara ( Earth
like planet ): coming in and out of Multi-dimensional Bubble-Universes

( Earth like planet ) is coming in and out of Multi-dimensional
Bubble-Universes - Teleporting instantly, popping in and out of
dimensions ( via the M-Theory: unifying many quantum physics options.)
- Their communication: if you cannot assimilate it using your
brain, you will start to feel it in your heart.
Hugely connected with their planet - we will all learn from each
The emotional
pressures within humanity had risen to such an extent that your
Mother Earth had to release these vibrations in volcanic action
and now the lava bubbles up and find its way back to the ocean,
cooling, and forming new land.
Cut through
all illusion. It is essential to keep personal vibrations high
and clear, and to focus only on Love and Harmony. Do not allow
any event to pull you down into fear,
for these emotions prevent you from reaching into a higher level
of consciousness. Read more on my
with Espavo, A.Albers, C. Fenn )
The Earth Transiting
The Rainbow Bridge of the Dimensional Shift

The Earth Transiting & The Rainbow Bridge of the Dimensional
Shift " Waves of photonic Codes reaching Earth, are seeding
and transmuting Life into higher consciousness.
Bridges already in place in Hawaii... As of timeless Lemuria,
where the Left and Right-Brain were/is balanced now comes a Renaissance
of Creative Energy that is again allowed to flow.
We're breaking away from the old 3D narrative of collective programming,
towards a quantum state of Reality: created by individuals exercising
abilities to focus energy and shape Plasma Energy into visionary
This new energetic, re-designs DNA to function within this multi-dimensional
5D Earth - Living in two simultaneous worlds - remaining,
anxious in 3D, or peaceful in a Beyond Time/Space Quantum
... truly
Everything is fluid!.. we can change the shape of the reality
by focus and re-imagining it.
In the multi-dimensional New Earth, we will be making use of magic
in a life that honors and enjoys the incredible and infinite Beauty
of Nature, Elementals and All Life
The Transmutation
is on! - Earth becoming again a stargate to the Multiverse.
more on my Facebook( with C. Fenn, A.Albers)
the unchanging indivisible One in the infinite diversity.

Fractal Seas
Inner and Outer Peace, WE: the unchanging indivisible ONE in the
infinite diversity.
Our loved ones who have transitioned.. they simply transferred
energy, like FRACTAL geometry: ( your stairs to Infinity, your
divine self ).. all the way down IS the same as all the way up...
Change your perception...Beyond your linear, your consciousness
is from the stars.
have the potentials now to rewrite our destiny, our perception
and beliefs
You can create a new human being... as you unwrap
the layers of negativity and old reality.
Powerful insights
are coming along with these cosmic upgrades
your awareness
will sharpen to higher levels during these times, yet we need
to fully heal and cleanse from our past, to evolve into the NEW
Participate by not letting darkness creep in and staying in high
vibration! Breath deep, relax, rest... in the moment of NOW, this
is where the NEW GAIA resides.
By consistently
raising our frequency out of fear and into a place of love and
appreciation... we are becoming an instrument of PEACE that is
vital to the survival of the planet.
WE TRANSMUTE this experience for ourselves and for humanity.
- Your light and joy is the power that changes the world:
it is not quantitative - it is Quantum? Read more on my
Our Light...
this vast quantumness ready to shine

Do not despair - Do generate the light that you came in with.
Broadcast your light, shine this high consciousness - How do you
think this planet has turned this corner,
do you not understand that the light that you have is a multi-dimensional
force - it is not linear, it's not the amount of it, it's the
intense quantumness of it, that is to say.. that a little goes
a long way.
~ Kryon
the mind-streams eventually flow into the One Ocean Beingness.
There are many pathways for the mind; there are no paths for the
Heart, for the Heart is infinite and fills everything.
"Gratitude shifts you to a higher frequency and attracts
better things to you" ~ Mooji Read
more on my Facebook
Birthing Multi
Earths & Multiverses..

Multi Earths & Multiverses.. and because Gratitude creates synchronicities:
the clues of subtle energy that build new worlds... therefore
better timelines for you.
The magic
power of "3"
is in the common denominator
finding what "2" love together or like to work on
move out of this density). You are connected with the power that
runs and creates universes.
Humans are designed in Love's image and likeness, so in this game
of free choice, unplug your human brain app "iTryiSurvive.
and allow yourself to tune into the "iLive-iLove-iCreate."
By seeing / hearing / feeling the subtle clues, that change the
within. This is the Law of Resonance.. and new choices create
a new vibration (YOU) that Life interacts with. Go within and
soothe the self into healing.
Your internal clues are the most important driver, because the
external clues of Life are responding to your vibration,
Balance is
the active endowment of your natural Divine Masculine and Divine
Feminine energy, in equality. Life wants your empowerment because
Life expands through you
As you are loving yourself and loving Life, it amplifies your
focus that shapes the future.
You have an invisible aspect of yourself that is infinite, connected
to all of Life .
Your peace is the transformer of your Life.. it is your multidimensional,
infinite nature.. use the full spectrum of your being. The key
is having patience
choose Love and peace in your Life.
Honor this
power and beauty that flows through you, it is the same power
that builds worlds. Read more on my
with Espavo, A.Albers,J.Price)
New Earth Frequencies

in Solar
Minimum, Galactic radiations/transmissions bring powerful transformative
Codes and New Earth Frequencies
activating the Right Brain,
way beyond linear technology.. into High Intuitive Levels.
Thru your consciousness, you can send or visualize!.. creating
like a bubble of peace over any event, sending solutions or better
outcomes - that is projection/ Action of Compassion. It is flipping
the energy into another timeline or scenario
Then your
DNA starts to develop instinctually and conceptually. The 90%
or so, that apparently isdoing nothing (which actually does everything)
- is Quantum and is going to start shifting!
Fully activated DNA creates Masters, you've had a number of them
on the planet - their message to you? "We are full functioning
human beings and you can do it too, we are One with Everything
and so are you! they were the real Futurists!
This new DNA
begins to amp itself up. The body is more aware, your own cellular
structure have self Diagnostics and that is innate and intuitive.
Biology is going to change. How would you like to feel like 35
until youre 200!
Even in all beliefs ... differences will be celebrated instead
of warring over them. Human beings will change in Attitude as
remembrance and Akashic inheritance will start to surface. You
will come into the planet knowing absolutely that you've been
here before.
And your children
are going to see a better earth, not a worse one.
With release of judgment comes an activation that creates an ease
within. From that inner freedom, all creation comes smoothly from
It is heart/mind
unity - the inner work of changing your resonance... so humanity
blossoms anew . Read more on my
with Celia F, Kryon,J.Price)
" vibrations,
vibrations, vibrations

In 2018 the
energy will arrive steadily, in many waves. As these energies
start to come in, we will experience different ways of thinking.
Earth is immeasurably
more valuable than any piece of her property and to her,
"vibrations, vibrations, vibrations are of utmost importance..and our
steadfastness in the light is helping Earths vibratory levels
keep rising,
Understand that our Spirit moves first,for our Spirit is the ethereal
part of us that does not have density.
The human animal is starting to evolve very quickly in order
to carry more light.
and the interim step is
to release the habit of linear thinking. It also has a lot
to do with balancing the feminine/masculine on your planet
Know that
we have it all deep within us and everything that we need is here.
We need nothing from the outside.
In this Consciousness, the Creations of our Hearts will cleanse
and clearand regenerate life on Planet Earth.
Once we have created our inner Sanctuary Garden, it will begin
to create this on Earth, so that Earth may become a multi-dimensional
Paradise Garden. Read
more on my Facebook( with Espavo, Celia F, Matthew )
& your Quantum Reality of the New Earth.

All the
For a planet
of Beauty and Peace.. this is co-created by being alert all the
time with an attitude of Love and Appreciation for the simple
little gifts that Life offers us...
a smile, a breath, a flower, the trees, Sun-Light & rain,
Nature's food and All that is Life ( not easy in a hi-tech
world of data )
the many negative news, our constant Focus on simple Gratitude
is Key to Conscious evolution, Love and health.
These adventures within are your own daily Art-forms... the steps
in this new Quantum Reality of the New Earth.No Being is greater
or lesser, for we weave the greatest tapestry of Life - all co-creators,
together as One!
Acknowledge the Flows of Water everywhere for this nurtures your
body, heart and Soul as it does in all seeds and plants.
For when you are done you will return to the Stars once again.
( the Realms of Infinite Perspective and eternal friends )
- Beyond the duality or linear human conditioning, we are more
than our body, culture, creed or nation...
now is this
major shift of awakening beyond the veil
and so "Bon
Voyage" into Multidimensionality ! ( into all Times/Spaces,
Everywhere at once ) - Pure Water, Pure Truth.
timelessness and the DNA of multidimensionality

Recognizing your spirit first and your humanness second (
within Free Choice ) - A new kind of Human will emerge with
"coherence of the heart" at its core, always win-win
as this evolution of multidimensional consciousness brings alignment
with what is hidden on the other side of the veil, it activates
our multidimensionality
and the connection to the
creative Source.
in 3D biology
the 23rd chromosome makes you a man or woman - then the 2012 marker
linked your DNA within the Quantum Field - it added chromosome
pair "24th" of multidimensionality...
( with extra senses you are never alone, becoming tuned to dear
soul friends beyond 3D. ) ( soon or later by letting go of the
linear paradigm attachments )
while always
finding a little gratefulness in our life, heart and mind Read
more on my Facebook( with Espavo, Kryon, A.Albers )
Eye of the Storm... Stillness & Amplification

You are a combination of evolutional biology of this planet, plus
seeds of consciousness from the stars.
Everyone gets to take as long as they want before waking up to
the realization that life, is a love game. Proceed to Go!
this 2018 Year of Amplification, the only thing that really matters
is your vibration. With your authentic thoughts and emotions you
are aligning with the subtle laws of time and space.
The future is a response to the present moment. Your soul is rising
up within you to experience more fully the Love that you are.
You can no longer deny your own hearts.
Your inner realm is your sovereign domain. Transformation is to
occur so that all experiences becomenew understanding of the self
... access the stillness, observe with detachment ... and allow
excitement and play to flow.
Observe the
beauty in life... the negative then transforms in merely an opposite,
not an opposition. You become the Eye of the Storm, even as life
spins around.
more on my Facebook( with The Universe, Kryon, J.Price, A.Albers, Mooji
Ala - the Mountain Path & The Missing Link

Mauna Ala - the hight Mountain Mother Path & The Missing
Link. The Seeding from the Stars... Your very DNA is not fully
human, that is the real LOVE STORY... when all the sudden the
veil would lift - be open to the non-linear downloads
you suddenly realize Im Forever "
You're a Circle in Time, you always were! - where is the beginning?
in the end of a circle? ... Lemuria the largest Mountain - echo
of the Pleiadian Mother - Gaia has not only an energy but a timeless
friends, made up of the souls that you have loved and lost among
your lifetimes - they're still here... so many have reincarnated
and yet they're here in the Entourage, well! how could that be!
Welcome to "non-linear multidimensionality" where many
can be in many places at the same time!
You are watching
this planet In this Shift now and from the cosmic Akash we would
remember of all of the Galaxies, all of the Universes..
you never were born - you've never ever had a beginning or end,
a circle in time you always were, that's who you are, but for
the Earth, you represent the beginning of the teaching of the
purity the forgotten Love of the Infinite Source inside.
Inside... you are always the oneness of all, so all things belongs
to you and now within your cosmic soul you start returning with
that perception of ALL THAT IS. Read more on my
from Kryon )
Gifts of Alignments...with others, Nature,
the Stars, yourself and The Source

When you
cast your eyes to the stars, they are part of you - your chemistry
and DNA! - The
Field of ONE developed a symbiotic relationship with the trees
and ALL life, so that you could exist.
The "missing link"... is your alignment: "If I am part of
The Creative Source, therefore, I am this! - I am multidimensional!"
a piece of everything on the planet, I am many dimensions... and
of the Stars!
This is where
the evolution of humanity will occur:this coherence of unity with
for now: Find
some simple things that replenish you : Life benefits from your
joy! ... you are Life in human form! ( and soon you will speak Dolphin ) - - Read more on my
Universes: Re-member the game, wake up.

Whales and Dolphins know
they travel thru Holographic Universes
playing and inspiring
human to reach a consciousness in tuned with Gaia and Galactic
Re-member the game, wake up. and choose your Earth
Between outer
chaos or inner peace.. it is a constant realignment . Your vibes
or resonance is a strong magnet for the Universe to synchronize
and align Life to your future. Plant the seeds you like to see
Time is not just a circle ... it is a spiral - Detachment is not
a lack of compassion, it is a lack of turmoil. And the universe
speaks the totality of your vibrational information.
Like the cells of your body... Unity never requires sameness -
Differences benefit you! - Re-member you also hold the light,
for the light supersedes the shadow - Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles via
Espavo - A.Albers - J.Price )
Perspective of isness

Perspective ( Pi 3.14 to infinity )
the Shift... Existence is a timeless relationship .. You
are an aperture through which the Universe is looking at and exploring
itself. Alan
Humanity is coming into contact with new realization about reality.
Think peace-beauty
and the vibrations will continue to lift up your quality of life
and speed it up. - "In time you will fully understand
all events that have or are yet to take place, and the part you
have played in them." M.Quincey
"Imagine that there is an infinite number of rivers. Each
one will carry you to a different future.You decide which future
you want... you hop in..." Ann Albers
In the isness all things resolved themselves beautifully. The
mind will always send you on a mad journey and if knowledge is
of any use, is to remind you of your Truth.
The mind will always reinforce duality - not aware of the Unified
Field or Nature's Harmony - Exhale this ego-state of tension into
the isness field of oneness! Mooji Read more on my
Facebook (
with larger images and detailled articles via Alan Watts - M.Quincey
Ann Albers
- M.Quincey - Mooji )
the invisible
99% of you..

the invisible
the invisible 99% of you.. is the unknown of you who travels
eon.. many countries, races, planets, galaxies
with memories
of Home, the Great Central Suns of ALL THAT IS.
- Now Earth is changing and so you do! Now is our Quantum Point
to reconnect!.. Too long in duality... that you have forgotten
that you are, in fact, WHOLE.
the nucleus of the atom, you are magnetizing life to you through
your vibrational resonance. Life is unconditionally responding
to flow. Your human self is 1%, your Higher Self, the unknown
DNA of yours is 99% of you.
Flow with the subtle realm - the Call for a BALANCE - yin/yang
- In the darkness... many of you will hold the light . . . Read more on my
Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles via Espavo -
A multidimensional
message to a three-dimensional brain

has passed a point: " The Wisdom Barrier " - Everything
about this unseen energy is starting to enhance
The physics of consciousness being quantum and not linear nor
quantitative... it creates attributes that are going to create
the future of this planet !
it's almost
an exponential evolution.. you don't have to start all over every
single time you're born, you come in with the factors that you
learn before and build upon them - born wise! and it's going to
change everything
This Benevolent Factor, is creating increased DNA percentage activation
of a new human being who can create things out of nothing
and abide with the Love that creates universes - The very same
Love that waits patiently to surface within you.
Shift your own resonance into a clearer alignment with what you
want to create. Your authenticity is your doorway.. it creates
a harmony in your vibration that opens you to new choices -
It takes a
courageous balancing of masculine and feminine energies to master
this flow.
. . Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles
via Kryon - J.Price - A.Albers )
Thoughts are
electrical - Emotions are magnetic

This Evolution
Jump is your cosmic dance. Now is the quantum Transition - The
sunspots effect the Earth with Shifts and Cycles.
Thoughts are electrical - Emotions are magnetic and this new human
has a choice to release energy mind clutter
In 5th D...
awareness of the Earth come to the forefront - Admiring the most
simple beauty of what is all around in Nature. This gratitude
imprints circular time, spiraling it up into your future.
You are starting to step into a whole new cycle of time and that
is incredibly exciting. New levels of reality where a multidimensional
experience can harmonize together as one. Rather than being the
effect of the "noise" passing right through your field
all is now
accelerating and it's going to accelerate more you can worry ,
or you can create. Read more on my
Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles )
Gaia... and your

Cave of
and your DNA ( the unknown 90% )
Gaia and the
full recording of souls lifetimes,
all in the interdimensional Gaias cave of creation - past,
present and future - the cave is predisposed in a quantum state
to be complete every moment
crystalline grid.
Gaia with the Whales and Dolphins - Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles
I'm everywhere.

The Present
I'm everywhere.
have created this game, but now the game is about to change. Each
of you have an incredible of Beauty that you have brought from
Home. Of course, you decide that, for there is no judgment
here at Home.
When Home, your SPIRIT is not masculine or feminine... you
are a spirit first... so incredibly empathic... in this way
there can be no war. You are pretending to be separate so
much that you actually believe it." Merlia
The ability of staying in the PRESENT opens to Peace, Harmony,
Creativity and synchronistic events ( the Souls true self
- the conscious path of the Spirit - beyond the veil of duality
/birth & death)
Yet there is still this lure-addiction to the tribulations
of living in the limitations of TIME - drowned in this
linear 3D world of the thoughts of the past and the illusions
of the future.
are not separate and that is the key. Do not believe everything
you see. Believe what you feel in your heart.. and you will start balancing
the energies of planet Earth in such a beautiful way." Merlia
the Eclipse the

: Opportunity to Change - This Eclipse is a GATEWAY to our Authentic
True Path...
Major New
Beginnings with resources of the Universe available to us. See
Beyond the Veil of 3D limits This 5D integration gate is not part
of everyones path... yet an incredible Turning Point is
in Finding the Still Point of Trust within and deciding about
our real Values -
Even in the
most challenging times, invoke the Love Choice in everything -
and Dream your dreams Bigger
Our unconscious tendencies are being stirred, Patience is required
- Rooted in Love... to progress and express in our life that which
honors what we are as a SOUL Being.
Our WATER, who
art in Heaven & Earth ... with Unlimited Fresh Energy

Our WATER, who art in Heaven & Earth ... with Unlimited
Fresh Energy -
Sun & Sirius rising together, it ignites our Sirian Connection
and new Perspectives.
we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and present
thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation
of our own mind ~ Gautama Buddha
Expect the Worst? Many shifts move into benevolence where there
was none before
SHIFTS are not always bad. Sometimes you've all had good things
happen unexpectedly. Think Quantum! not in straight lines - Circle!
it's all in nature and space" ~ Lee Carroll
Eclipse: to EVOLVE past this dimension, time, space and ego.
Our contracts with other souls before coming here... trigger us
into higher awareness. As the shadow side is revealed in us and
the collective... choice of more light can then takes its
place." ~
Diane Canfield
- Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles
Galactic Frequency
Shift Update ( the Mayan and Egyptian Two Suns - July 26th to
8/8 / Sun-Sirius Rising )

Crystal Seed
close one galactic year and move into the next: we are entering
the "Yellow
Crystal Seed Energy" of this year: to understand that our words,
our thoughts,our actions, our intentions... are all living seeds
that we are constantly casting out into the field of pure potentiality
From a "Constructive
Force of Destruction ( last year "BlueSpectralStorm"
from a lot of turmoils and seeming chaos... to purify
by Total Transformation and to understand its has all been
in service to a deeper Revelation of who we really - a deeper
emergence of truth.
are Opportunities
Stepping now in the crystalline
cycle of the
cooperation and wholeness with our own inner-innate higher wisdom
and the reality that our heart has already stepped in the 5th
Dimension. (even
if the mind is still in 3D.)
This will
create the space for further empowerment of the Goddess energy
on the Planet... as the Right Brain energies of Creativity and
Compassion become more clearly active.
You are a bandwidth of humanity
Old Souls Smiling Your Way
Home... this is the start of major benevolent change, not the
beginning of doom. Read more on my
Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles )
Merging and Becoming
the New Resonance

world you are helping to create in linear time, already vibrantly
exists in the continuum
thus the planet is restored to health
and pristine beauty - it is all about resonance!
It is not the destiny of Earths peoples to go backward,
but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation
and life in harmony with Nature... yet the experience here is
free choice.
Planetary vibrations will advance only endeavors that best serve
Earth and all her life forms; your optimism about Earths
future will help to dispel the low vibrations of dismay and as
you direct your energy into positive thoughts,
feelings and actions this not only preserve progress, but add
momentum so light surge forward in abundance to all of Earth.
Visualizing the planet restored to health and beauty and all peoples
living in peace, mutual respect,
cooperation and life in harmony with Nature will hasten
the day in linear time when this world is fully manifested.
Many are fearful
right now when its not actually serving improvement.
It is you, becoming the infinite potentials of the future... It
is you, with the courage and power of your present moment - allowing
your free will to anchor a new resonance of your sacred flow with
We do have a relationship with a Living Conscious Earth.
Humanity has only been here for a moment... and this universe
teems with life and souls. ( Kryon / Matthew / Price
) Read more on my
Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles )
Earth Dimensional
Shift - a new human - intuition: the quantum way

You for Taking Your Power" ... even if you can't see us -
we are One
There are two earths - two stratas of consciousness now - much
like changing the channels on your television ... it's all about
the ability to alter your own ascension, your own evolution,
to influence the Earth's rise back to a twelfth dimensional fully
christed state of consciousness and to open a door for humanity
to walk through into a fifth and multi-dimensional level.
Having an
awareness about this - not a fearful state of mind - the ability
to start to vibrate into that level of consciousness - engaging
with the higher-self, engaging with the soul really...
to create an alignment of awareness into these higher multi-dimensional
realities with a very simple step into the fifth dimension, a
state of well-being, a state of co-creation, cooperation, grace,
integrity, humility, respect, dignity...
You are creating an entirely new Realm of Consciousness. Gaia
is very clear about what's happening - it's us who are now beginning
to be informed about another chapter in this transition -
Your Innate is your second brain, it is dynamically quantum -
the innate and the higher self - use this tool that is intuition
... it's helping you with Synchronicity. Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles
Its getting
crowded on the 4D bridge now - the pathway between 3D and the
new 5D.

& Sounds 1991
is why you came here! to help raise the/our frequencies
As some find the courage to shine more brightly and separate
from those who need to take their time to make their
choice ... eventually everyone will arrive at the place where
they feel aligned with their energy.
eventually the presence of the brightly shining lights ahead of
them... will inspire them. The universe has no opinion about
anyones journey or progress. ~Jennifer Hoffman
You're part of the chemistry
of Earth, the physics of the Universe. You are part of a grand,
planned system. - Whales have already recalibrated the migration
routes to the new magnetics grids.
The physics of the planet had to shift for a new consciousness
to begin. People are starting to be far more
receptive to new ideas of who they are, and are getting out of
old paradigms.
Your intuition
is better today than ever before so now - Imagine an intuition
that lights the way so there's no question anymore!
The magnetic grid and the field will be pushing together to create
harmony between Human Beings, Light creates light. How
can high consciousness multiply? It's because of the new physics. ~ Kryon
It's when the Human who is creating it knows about the
"God inside". How Laughter multiplies itself through
joyful energy? Just a new and beautiful internal compass.
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles
The Wild Cards
and the Beacons of Change

ocean is infinite, then a wave comes into time , a wave is Water,
ocean is Water, the wave rolls along the surface, you call it
a life.. then it subsides, you call it a death
but it's only water, - who dies? : name and form and belief -
this is this world! this thought world!
Until the mind says something happened, experientially , nothing
happened. If it doesnt register in consciousness , effectively
, nothing happened!
It is not imposed upon you - you decide. Every thought, every
emotion is a tourist. and I am not a hotel
let them come
and go. You disregard: it doesn't happen. This is your power!
Keep the attention in neutrality. Abide as the Awareness only.
Yet enjoy being human
knowing you are also beyond this mind
as all is passing
You are the
Unborn, the Undying, the Timeless, you are pure awareness beyond
what comes and goes
if you remain without identifying with what appears, then your
own timelessness will become self evident. You are the one before,
the pure awareness who witnesses your mind. Mooji: Mastery of the
is not a judging Spirit. The source of the Universe has seeds
within you. You will always be and you always were. .. that means
that your soul awareness is eternal.
Death is a Human occurrence, not a spiritual one. The soul is
forever. It always was and always will be. That which you hold
so sacred which is the core of you, the very consciousness that
is alive in you and has your name on it,
is the energy we know and love. It is forever. You'll never die
- not that part - and you'll always be aware, even when you leave
this planet for the next adventure. That's the message. It's filled
with promise and beauty! ~ Kryon
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles

beings have been sent here to Gaia to help restore the empathic
genetic lines of love, oneness and service.
The empaths are sensory and feeling oriented as they pick up signals
through their innate intuitive awareness of others and the subtle
field frequencies and higher dimensional realms.
These Starseeds work closely with the consciousness of Gaia and
You are planting the seeds of your own future with your thoughts.
We see infinite souls living who leave the beauty of the infinite
to become finite for a very short of time.
You put on one of these bubbles of biology and step into the game
pretending to be a human. ... You come in at critical times to
make a difference .
By moving
into light body and changing your own physical structure. Every
time you can raise your vibration, you raise the collective human
vibration of Earth.
Doing so not only affects the Earth, it also helps to settle the
Earth. Your job is to be there with the spirit. What did your
spirit come here to do?
Let it transform within you... and allow yourself to receive nurturance.
As you become an Empowered Sovereign, you anchor that ease with
Life transforms through your willingness to flow Life from all
its facets into the innate beauty it is. Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles
The Mer-people
& the Spring of Humanity - You are Water

Mer-people & the Spring of Humanity - You are Water - coherent
with One Ocean One earth - magnificent subtle realms, always here!
Observe how dolphins expand their spirit, their molecules and
bodies to merge with the crystalline structures of water, the
ocean and the infinite Presence of One.
Just as the seed breaks a shell, so too is humanity. So that new
change can grow into the earth through you... You will emanate
out a resonance that shifts the physical Earth.
What seems good or bad.. is just an experience that offers a potential
of change. Water that seed!... it is within you... find Neutrality
within you, as this helps opposites bond into higher potentials.
As a glass shapes water. Move out of fear shaping life, into seeding
Love shaping life.
Your observance, your thoughts and your feelingsare powerful
electromagnetic forces and you have enough heart-mind coherence
to begin a global resonance.
Earth's biosphere responds with you... for the human species and
your process of feeling is well understood by the universe.
You are before
Time - You are the witness of time and space.
Be like Dolphins,
each breath is conscious, each sound is the geometry for your
new life (it's cymatic)

Silicon bodies
always wants you to thrive and create - Harmonize your subtle
realms with the physical. Keep an openness to fun.. it is teaching
you to adapt to life.
When you change deeply, your life changes deeply. We
are anchoring a new reality, not the same patterns repeating. Shift your resonance!
... The natural pull of Life is Love.
High Geo- Magnetic changes, solar flares and "cosmic"
waves are in. The Shift from Carbon base to Crystalline Silicon
Structure bodies - an evolution that comes by staying out of fear
This Shift starts to change your consciousness, this shift
allows you to awaken to new truths.This Transformation is part
of the recalibration of the planet... participate in this change
Would you accept another surprise beyond the one that you have
considered? Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles
Yin/Yang Balance and the -
"Triality Focus" - for New Earth

The Child 1980
As planet
Earth's Energy is shifting... our Inner Stillness Shapes the Outer
World by accessing Dimensions beyond the Veil - via our Masculine
& Feminine Balance and the "Triality" * Focus.
Now is the
calm needed before the cosmic waves-energy-shifts-massive-change
of 2017, nurture yourselves into the - inner peace - that reconnects
with your soul's original intent, that brought you to Earth...
to help step out of the 3rd into the 5th
The Whales and Dolphins have held the base energy of Planet Earth
for a very long time. More that ever now Responsibility was passed
along to humanity.
Beyond the
jungle of Time and Space
flowing like water into the realms
of our own "infinite Self"; our forgotten Intuitive
gift, Source of the unseen and the not yet manifested, is blooming.
The secret is in your connection with Nature
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and detailled articles
When the Feminine
Flaps it's Wings... Shaping New Worlds

At this
moment, all of humanity is in a movement of separation but you
can change that. - It is the feminine energy that will change
it first and then balancing the masculine and feminine energy
at every opportunity.
When You See
a New Energy: Take a Breath and Find Likeness - Find the beauty
in the imperfections and look for Similarities
Learning to discover your inner strength - the letting go - all
aspects of love that is shaping your world.. shaping your inner
realm by self-observance - Observing your initial emotional response
without judgment
to recognize what is unconscious
Focusing so that the subtle realm interaction is more conscious
as you remain balanced, you will begin to notice the synchronicities
occurring, indicator of alignment. Choose your inner focus first,
then the outer world connection will follow.
The physical realm with the unknown/unformed of the subtle realm
and the peace within, keeps you open to potentials.
Your magnificent heart is your vast, timeless engine of connection.
Think and choose from Love
potentials that serve all of
your subtle self
for your inner-peace flows infinitely.
This shift
you are in, is going to start rewriting Human history and the
Human future. - Youve heard of time travel? .. that particle,
when understood, will allow for this in a specific way, for you
would be able to flip into another dimensional scenario or go
backwards in time to observe the past in special ways.
"Time repeats itself. So as you go around the time
circle, which to you is a straight line, you will then come upon
what we will call energy markers of the past. with the potential
to create the same thing the last one did, repeating within the
circle. Here it comes again, here it comes again, here it comes
Because you have the energy of "expectation" of something
on the circle of time + Time is fractal by changing something
in the circle of time, you rewrite the future.
The fractals that existed before, that tended to repeat, are voided,
and you create new potentials on the circle. You might say you
moved into a slightly different dimension where the prophecies
of old will not take place.
Your recent election brought you a wild card... something completely
unexpected and out of time. - It then changes things from then
on. Now we beg you, wipe away the bias.
Watch what you expect! and place your order... for wisdom and
There are more wild cards coming and some of
them will be inventions
Merlia + Aeron + Kyron .Read more on my
Facebook ( with larger images and entire articles )
You are distant
travelers... Yet now on Earth...

You are
distant travelers. Yet now on Earth... Change involves
disruption... as part of this game.
Yes, there will be chaos... timelines intersecting with each other...
yet Vibrational Waves will bring huge leaps
Please do not judge it as being right or wrong, because you negate
your own energy when you do that. Simply observe and understand
that humanity has a bandwidth - a vibe-matrix.
You are a
spirit first and a human second. Harmony between the two has the
opportunity to create Change
Expand your passions anchoring new light in times of darkness.
Dare to play! These are photons that carry fully charged light
within your body... have amazing effects in the world around you.
Be unresponsive to manipulation and deception. Observe, maintain
detached compassion
. with creative inspiration and a calm
This heart/mind coherence will release discordant memory... Allow
it to transform with peace via the subtle realms. You are the
calm in the midst of chaos that create a bridge of connection
to new potentials.
Enjoy the process of opening your mind flow to foresee the beauty
of Life blooming. Following the Law of One and Service... allows
the Universe to return new resources to us.
The Human - Mother
Earth... and the Universal Natural Laws

The impacts
of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness.
- Starseed Awakening + the Law of One + the
Natural Laws of this Universe.
- Respect, Dignity and Harmlessness FOR ALL - Co-creating Responsibly
with Earth, nature and animals - Legitimate Admittance to participate
with the Intergalactic Community
We exist within
multi-dimensional layers of electromagnetic fields with billions
of harmonic waves resonating within and around us. Our mind, our
consciousness, our thoughtforms are the interaction in-between
these waves that are producing qualities of sound, tone and color.
Each belief or thought we have produces resonances in the larger
fields that are harmonizing or discordant.
Creating Morphogenetic Fields to harmonize with the blueprint
that holds the intelligent information for fulfilling our highest
purpose, and to strengthen the color waves that connect us to
the larger Unified Field.
Hold these
high frequencies in your Heart and Light Body. Via a process of
simple resonance... it requires that you lift the veil
... for you are infinite and by filling your inner treasure with
the beauty of Life.
Look for small
things that delight you... to sense the subtle energies that transform
life. A beautiful aspect of physicality is duality. These opposites
together create a complete whole. This is how you find your Wholeness.
This is an exciting part of life.
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and entire articles )
2017 energies
amplified... Think & Be what makes your heart sing.

V. E
The Vector
Equilibrium or V.E. is the geometry of absolute balance.
The blueprint by which nature forms energy into matter. The true
zero, the nearest approach we will ever know to eternity. Bucky Fuller
With it, is the Morphic Resonant Field that is our collective
unconscious. This Field is a storehouse of electromagnetic patterns
from all species!
It All happen Within...
every thought or action is energy, it moves into the field and
becomes available to the collective. Times of Peace, Kindness
and Beauty are in the Field and free access to you. Jack Sturgeon
2017 is
honoring your sovereignty... for many this will look like chaos,
but for others it will be a more subtle realm experience. Your
inner-realm is creating the future
Dont let the outside world confuse your vibration. Your
Empowered Sovereignty and healthy detachment compells humanity
into Loving evolution.
Take external
action in things that make your heart sing.
The new energy is here and you are learning to acclimate into
it. Expect miracles as you start to open up your understanding
of All That Is. Areon
The Field wants
to Harmonize.

The Presence
The Field
wants to Harmonize. Thats The Phenomenon now ; it's
physics with an attitude.
It's almost like the beauty of Mother Nature is starting to affect
humanity. The Field will try to create symbiotic systems
that work together with compassion and beauty. it's going to change
Human nature. ~
This Sudden
Turn will be a redirection for all of humanity.
Because your individual essence is of the light... it is possible
that many of you will be meeting your Lemurian selves (
a society which empowered one other )
Via the Crystalline Grid, old souls living in pristine land sending
new energy to old souls in hard lands...and as well as Nature
craves a kind of balance.
You have incarnated over and over again since then at specific
times when evolution was critical for your honoring of Human Rights...
Now causing this turn.. activating light into entirely new directions.~ The Group
Flow like water.. seeing that All Life is a Magnificent Illusion,
a Playing of Energy and there is absolutely nothing fundamentally
to be afraid of
you'll be afraid on the surface
will be able to be human in the pains,
difficulties and struggles that naturally goes with human existence,
you will be afraid of putting your hand in the fire
you will not be afraid of fear !
yourself to the water". When you swim you dont
grab the water, instead you relax and float. ~ Alan Watts Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger images and entire articles )
You Know It's
a Movie!.. and It is Possible to Be in Both Worlds

You Know
It's a Movie!.. and It is Possible to Be in Both Worlds - What
is the real Realty ?
are we living in an ultra Simulation
where everything feels so real !
A Pure New World is within reach, but you can't take any of your
baggage there with you - none of this old paradigm
in the finest vibrations... generated in that formless, timeless
awareness, unmeasurable infinite. If not so fine vibrations ,
denser thoughts and events set in: is your reality like a tv-show?
Choose an existence which vibrates as all minds, all bodies and
all universes are ONE, because every sentient being is a universe
in it self.
I am the Universe, this Infinity non local, appearing this moment
locally as this form... and experiencing all these other forms
around... We each write the script of our own Play on Earth!
Each of us are a collection of feelings and thoughts and impermanent
patterns of behaviors. Conscious of being Conscious.. of this
"I", the "you" who has taken these names and
forms. Read
more on my Facebook ( with larger image + full text )
the Human brain
- the Dolphin brain... and the vast Field of Consciousness...

The Field
find the Stillness within chaos... for now your destination is
simply the reflection of your inner world. Read
more on my Facebook
Imagine the ocean as a huge Data Bank, then tap higher into the
Universe's Matrix and next into the omnium field of Infinityeventually...
Evolution will show you the way!
The Field
of Quantum Entanglement = "things that want to work together"
in an odd non-linear way. - Harmonization is your solution! find
the Stillness again! The Field puts things together... use it!
for this, re-tune to your " Innate "... it is already
connected to The Field
is this Causal Field? = it is beyond Time and beyond Space - it
is Nowhere and Everywhere!
The human
brain is ONLY a tool, which is meant to be an interface in and
for the third and fourth dimensions.
Do like dolphins, "be Liquid" , venture into matching
your own frequency to the inter-dimensionality of this planet
of Water (then of this Universe).
It's like
you were designed to resonate with something you are unaware of...
this resonance is tuned to Togetherness and Harmony, and now you
are being asked to HARMONIZE.. to resonate and to resound to The
Our Heart and
Light are the Vessels

Up to now...
we have mistaken space-time for reality !
... our Heart
and Light are the guiding Vessels... to explore new absolute life's
potentials. The focus on our own inner loving highest visions,
links us to a "superfluid state "
and as there
is no boundaries in the Universe... we are Consciousness-Shifters.
Massive magnetic
force into the earth is rebuilding our original interstellar genetics
by activating our human plasmic and photonic body field.
This is allowing
our Soul-Spirit Consciousness to access new abilities in parallel
Time-Lines... by experiencing other levels of timeless and formless
awareness or time-travel :
being able to move in and out of the time and space fields and
the illusion of separation
As the Mother
Principle Codes re-surface onto the Earth, focused intention and
meditation inspire creativity, healing and the shift into the
next Harmonic Universe.
sleep state, the physical body is here, but the person leaves
the body at night.
Now many are
experiencing this in lucid experiences of dreamtime... at levels
where our higher consciousness intelligence is learning how to
bi-locate with instant awareness.
are form and we are formless, simultaneously... this Transfiguration
means that the person can shift their consciousness body into
light .
~ Energetic
Synthesis. com
in a Resonance
of Peace and Beauty

in a Resonance
of Peace and Excitement, rather than Fear... comes True Freedom
more on Facebook
Let the excitement of the Unknown become stronger
In the deepest
space of our superficial self
beyond the normal being...
is an Ocean of Peace... and the Sounds of Beauty
is the Acceptance of everything... it's Nature is pure Openness.
By simply living your light & love you exemplify enthusiasm
and confidence in Earths future.
... as telepathic
connections open, there will be clear communication between souls
on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe.
Human Upgrades
within the "Space between spaces

In Gratitude
to the Dolphins, Whales and all animals for holding at Etheric
levels - the "Space between spaces - and facilitating
the new vibrations into unprecedented Human Upgrades
- Unseen yet building up... new subtle potentials are rising up
now, from deep within the human psyche
- Unveiling
Awareness beyond the self-imposed limitations and believes of
the linear finite-mind..
- With clusters of thoughts we obscure our essential Nature of
Pure Being and therefore we obscure Happiness, our link to infinite
One Source Consciousness
- Honoring
all our experiences.. to empower our Authentic Self with Intuition
and Love- Balancing our energies by Resonances rather than Dominances
" In the Eternal Reckoning - you are all equal as ascended
Souls. "
- At any moment
- even when all is intensely changing : Discover what is herein..
what is unchanging.
Rejuve Spring

and Gratitude is the energy within us that fuels and opens us
to the next Earth's Destinations
We create the time-lines that we wish from the heart and then
multidimensional ways of living unfold - The human brain cant
recall that we have infinite parallel lives - each time we think
one way or the other, we actually make new time-line.
( like past-lives, but because there is No Time, it is all in
the Now / Infinity )
Harmony of
thought is a wisdom that is ours - a shift into benevolence where
we dont expect the worst scenario but awaken to totally
new truth
1) Letting go of the old "brain-survival" of the old
matrix-world - 2) igniting up our INTUITION.. of a consciousness
before all creations. One that we can sense - - > the seeding
of a new garden, with many other earths.
New cosmic energies are upgrading our DNA at quantum levels, dwarfing
the brain and launching wondrous synchronicities - the All That
Is, is connected to Source - the Oneness of All Everything IS,
NOW. So everything affects all
Now is the release of old stuck energies, the end of the fake
world.. may be disruptive.. yet is transmuting and flowing into
the truth of Life.. with new sensitivities and eventually to fully
live and let live.
The light in Gaias desire for Earths residents , is
to live harmoniously with each other and with Nature and it is
far greater than any political intrigues
Because Everything
is Energy - here is the paradox with our senses: - it is that
our eyes actually show us what we believe, rather than what we
5 D. ships

your Light! ... as the ships of Light are approaching a New Earth
that is fully moving with us into a 5th dimensionality of One!
Awakening to Life beyond Time & Space and navigating multiple
Focus and
tuning-in with Gratitude and Compassion for all things
moving out of all programming
thus we participate in the
energetic Change of these Solar Events.
Readiness - for all our acquired belief systems to be obliterated
- converts stress into opportunities and lifts the veil of a fake
Allowing more conscious creative Solar Downloads..
within the support of Nature and with group meditations.

Angel - image
from TRANSMUTEO a 30 minutes 3D animation film dvd
see 2 minutes trailer :
See more Paintings
on -Gallery 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Whales . . . . Dragons
. . . . Gallery 1 . . . . Gallery
2 . . .
3. . . . Gallery 5.......Swim
with Dolphins: Seminars in Hawaii
. . . .
HOME page

"the SecondComing"
Second Coming " 1979 : cover of Australian magazin "
Simply Living "- issue about the origins of the Dolphin Consciousness
and the birth of a new human's awareness with Earth & Sea's
love and respect.
2 of our groups
- full of dolphin Love and quantum adventures - with Joan Ocean
- Feb & March 2018

see more details about our
Dolphin & Whales swim - seminars at
of - HUMPBACKS 30 x 10 inches = $ 45 shipping included - for larger sizes contact
can order
high quality PRINTS ( 3 prints for $15 each free-shipping
to the US size 14 x 11 inches = $45 ) ( $50 for Europe or Australia )
- or
for larger sizes : -