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Within our
"star-nature" are our tools of Transmutation
= Love focuses, balances and transforms our field of energies
into wings - our trans-dimensional magnetic / electric "vessels"
"Always fascinated to experience
the mystery of " INFINITY " ; the ultimate
Source of a not far-distant world... an "here/now" realm
and perception..
- Simply listening to the" MUSE " : our
pure Feminine aspect, Mirrors of our Gratitude, the INTUITION
and Co-creation. The Sacred Yin Beyond cultures and genders
- We are naturally linked with our innate nurturing innovative...
Deep within.. are memories
of "our real life"
a timeless beauty before birth
& after death.. beyond the veils of the restricted physical
Access this simply by Living in Harmony with NATURE.
Email to receive once or twice a month... the Latest
Art with inspirational words.
The Healing Light
within all Dimensions of Space-Time

In your progress... you access more of your dormant DNA, more
of your historical records of life on Earth... to expand your
knowing of who you have been and who
you are spiritually as a soul, and oversoul. And as you do tend
to need to see physical evidence first
to want to experience
something in the physical realm before you are open to experiencing
as a being of consciousness and that is because you have been
physically oriented for so long. And now it is the time for you
to expand your sense of self nonphysically.
It is time
for you to awaken to the truth that you are an aspect of Source...
much more than your other self in physical form.
You are so much more than just being a part of an e.t. galactic
lineage, or your history on Earth.
You are more than this universe is, and that can be hard to swallow
for those who don't have any physical evidence to prove that.
Eventually open your hearts and feel for the truth of who you
really are.. experientially knowing that you are an aspect of
Source.. infinite and eternal love.
And when you feel for more, you will also be ableto experience
more, because of the Vibration you will be tapping into as you
expand. " ~ The 12D. Creators Read more
Mother Earth
Crystal Codes Upgrade

Earth Crystal
In times
of transformation, like right now... not just you.. but all is
transforming ... then it can become a blessing. If you see it
as an inconvenience or terrible, then chances are you are only
to create a reaction to it within yourself that will result in
negative consequences by getting you to pay more attention at
the level of only thought or belief in your mind.
You are more
capable of shifting them, as you have an opportunity to breathe
your way through that emotion and to show yourself that you can
handle any emotion that comes up within you.
Everything has meaning, so investigate what is going on inside
of you in order to get to the deeper truth.. and how you feel
in response to it.
Know that you are the one who is determining how you feel about
something, and you want to feel at least neutral about everything,
eventually, because you want to be the one
who is deciding in the moment how you are going to respond to
something, and you have the capacity to turn anything into a positive
experience for you, for humanity, for the entire galaxy and universe.
Awareness is your friend. It is a superpower,and those who have
it and demonstrate it are the ones who look the happiest and who
seem to be living the best lives because they used their awareness
to modify something.
They used their awareness to move towards something that was resonating
with them, that was lighting them up, and filling them with love.
~ St.
in the magnificent
Sunsets.. are invisible infinite Splendors

Get excited about how we are going to contribute to the New Earth
. You want to feel how good you can feel when you align with that
where there is no more war, there is no more poverty, there is
no more famine, no more droughts or fires,and everyone has what
they need to be themselves fully.
The reality
already exists, and you are there toexperience the journey to
it. Go forth then and enjoy your journeys.
There will always be room for growth, for expansion, and so you
have those pockets on Earth where there are things that need improving.
It gives you something to heal. It gives you people to care for.
You all want to have a purpose. Even if your solution is meditation,
prayer, healing energy and good thoughts, that still counts. You
get to create a reality where everyone has free energy
and you get to align with that reality.
So please do not assume that it means humanity is headed in the
wrong direction just because you still have more growing to do.
You still have more focusing to do as well. You still have more
creating to do.
You still have more healing to do. And its part of the journey.
". ~
The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Read
Cymatine Flower-ship
: the Whale's Sound & Plasma Co-creations

Gratitude & Appreciation are Tools for Creation
The less time
you spend complaining, and the more time you spend appreciating,
the more you align with the perfect timeline .
When you love anything, you align with your true power, and you
align with more of the vibration it is that you are in love with
in that moment.
Yes, you can raise your vibration by becoming desire-less and
sitting in meditation.. but you came to have experiences, you
came to express yourselves, and you came
for the physicality of planet Earth and your dimension. So enjoy
it all, appreciate it all." ~ by The 9D Hathors Read
Meet the Soul-Travelers
- the Shiny Divinities.. You Are

Soul Travelers
your lives with great intention and with the realization that
everything is perfect as it is right now. We are all changing,
evolving, ascending, because we all must, and that is the beauty
of experience.
As long as you are not resisting the change, you are going with
the flow and in this celebration of consciousness, of existence.
It is enough to exist. It is enough to be. You are not there to
experience perfection; you are there to experience everything,
to exist in everything.
Your true
power lies in your ability to offer a vibration.
If you can
accept everything as it is, you can begin to get closer to Source.
Therefore, acceptance is the first key step for all of you there
on Earth.
If you find it hard to love this then put your attention on what
is easiest for you to love in the moment. What is needed is the
acceptance, leading to the love that will put you on the path
that brings you
closer to Source in every conscious moment. You are also there
to consciously create. And so, whatever you dont love, whatever
you deem to be inappropriate or
unacceptable in some way, is also there as a catalyst to you.
Necessity is the mother of invention, but so is annoyance and
You are all inventors; you are all creating all the time, but
not always experiencing that which you create. You must manifest
it in your experience in order to fully enjoy it.
You know how. You know that you need to relax, to let go, to focus
and to let in. And when you know that you are the creator of your
experience, then you can let everyone else off the hook and you
can let go
of the idea that you are a victim of someone who is more powerful
or more important than you. And thats when you end your
suffering and end human suffering ".~ Thymus, Collective of Ascended Masters
The Calm Dynamics...
Creative Changes of your Inner Peace

Calm Dynamics
Welcome to your New Self! You have been pretending to be
someone that is other than who and what you really are.
This is a
temporary experience that you are having as the human being..
but you will soon understand of who and what you really are as
an infinite and eternal being of love and light.
Rest your consciousness in your heart right now and breathe into
your heart to feel the eternal flame that you are as Source Energy
expanding, burning brighter.
Giving yourselves this experience at least once a day will change
the way you approach everything in your life. Let go of any idea
of who you have been defined to be by others.
And, from that place of finding the eternal flame within your
own heart, you can begin to create whatever you want." ~ St. Germain of the Violet
& Time-Travel... within our Plasma/Consciousness

We do allow ourselves to explore other realms, to have adventures
in our imagination, and so we decide when we are not going to
be present in the moment...
because we are interested in creating something new and doing
so consciously.
You can set aside time for yourselves to go within and have moments
of creativity... you can to travel to other other dimensions..
because as you do you connect to those aspects of your soul that
are there.
Even if you do not believe you cannot in your minds eye
you do have the ability to request dream and astral travels that
you will remember in the morning.
You are participating
in what you are observing and creating something out of it that
will be to your liking... you are imagining and creating those
Creativity is not limited to artwork. Give yourselves the adventurous
spirit that lives inside of you
it will change the experience
of your reality.
You decided that you wanted to incarnate there and pretend to
be a human separated from Source.
So feel the truth of it, then your lives may become a reflection
of that truth that you are a Source Energy Being pretending to
be a human
and it is something else entirely to live with
the knowing of it at all times.
Remind yourselves of the only truth that really matters: We
are all one, all Source Energy and what you believe, creates
your experience.
You can get from wherever you are right now to where you are going...
so do re-experience the remembering one more time! ~ Thymus, Collective of
Ascended Masters Read
as Mother Earth
shifts her Vibration... see Everything as an Adventure

have been accessing healing and psychic abilities... the ability
to jump timelines, to astral travel, to lucid dream and to connect
with extra-terrestrials.
You do need to investigate these abilities on a regular basis.
Everything is changing there on Earth, much more rapidly now,
and the energies are speeding up.
The energies
coming to you are of a higher vibration, and you are ready for
them, but you dont always recognize them as such.
When you question where something came from.. ask Does this
resonate? If it does, then youre on the right track,
or if it doesnt feel good, then just let it go and recognize
that youve got some vibrational tuning to do.
You dont need as much information as you think you do. What
you do need to do always is check your vibration.
That means engaging in more of the things that you love. It means
spending more time in nature and with animals than on devices.
And as you do those things, you will tap more easy into those
gifts and abilities.
When it comes to e.t. contact, get excited because its coming
.. it is available to you right now, and can occur in any moment
while you are asleep or awake.
Trust that youre only going to be contacted by benevolent
e.t.s, and that will help you to relaxand help you to open up
and receive from these friends and
family members out there in your beautiful galaxy".~ Thymus, Collective of
Ascended Masters Read
Create a New
Earth... new Resonances, new Dimensions

New Dimensions
are the creator of your own reality. You all get to decide more
now than you ever have before what your path is.
You get to determine what your life can be, as you stretch your
consciousness and your imagination to include more possibilities
for you. You are awakening to the truth of your own power.
You also get to use your free
will to determine how you look at each particle within this universe
of ours.
You get to try on different perspectives and choose the one that
best suits you, and when you can see that everyone else doing
that is not a threat to you, then you can truly live and let live.
You can be the creator of your own reality and allow everyone
else do the same, knowing that all is well and all are truly safe
all of this is happening inside of a gigantic Being of Unconditional
When you are awake to all of that you can get through lifes
challenges in a very joyous wayand in a way that also has the
side effect of inspiring others, empowering others,
and you can live in a universe where everyone is marching to the
beat of their own drum.
So if you
are looking for a Theory of Everything... it is helpful to know
who you are and how it all works. Then you are capable of so much
more and that this universe always accommodates you
by responding to your every thought and every desire." ~ The Creators, 12d. Collective
In the Calm...
Intuition is the Creative Whisper of the Soul

Recognize that you just dont have all the facts in front
of you. We invite you to examine your beliefs, your expectations,
and hold only eternal truths to be true.
Here are the eternal truths: We are all one. We are all Source.
And Source is Love, therefore, we are Love. Everything is comprised
of Love, and we are all going home to Love.
Anything else
you are entertaining is just a belief. You can start activating
a belief that you want to activate. Heres one: I am worthy
of receiving all that I have asked for in this lifetime.
Heres another one: I am a creator being, and I am creating
my reality in every moment of every day.and another :
I know that I have gifts inside of me that I have yet to discover,
and I am excited to find out what they are.
But if you accept the not knowing, you can live more happily.
Its very enlightening to not know and to go on this journey
without havingto know every step along the way.
Because you get to experience surprise; you get to experience
We are here to tell you that you are having one last go round
in the fourth dimension right now,
and you might as well enjoy the ride . Trust, let go, and have
faith, because you are always on the right path. And how could
you, a being of pure Love, ever miss the mark?"
~ Thymus
Collective of Ascended Masters Read
Change of Vibration...
a soul's journey to infinity

are showering energy down upon you right now. And so, when you
wonder what your purpose is in life there on Earth - you must
ask yourself the question:
How much do I love?
When you love, you are fulfilling your purpose, period! It doesnt
matter what you love
You can love your sun, your Earth
or a wide array of people, animals, plants, flowers, trees..
for those of you who are with love, receive easy this activation
from within. See if you can hold your gaze of love while looking
upon something or someone that has been a rascal in your life.
yourselves, but do it in your own timing and on your own terms.
Always relax, open yourselves up, and receive it like a flower
receives. Receive it with ease.
You just have to let go of tension, anxiety, fear... Find your
love first thing in the morning, Activate it, and see how much
you can transform." ~ Thymus Collective of Ascended Masters Read more
In The Still
Waters of our Heart & Beyond

In the
still waters
Today just be still, we only need to be still and things will
reveal itselves in the still water of our heart " ~ Thich
N. Hanh
You Ready for Physical E.T. Contact? Theyre going to connect
with those of you who are offering a higher vibration first..
who can handle higher-frequency energies.
You have to let go and live your life at the highest vibration
that you possibly can. As a soul you are still there, in all of
these star systems and dimensions.
Let the universe and your higher self bring you the experience
in the appropriate timing for you.It is okay to be eager and excited
for your contact experiences, but if you are attached to them
you want to prove to someone else that they exist, or you want
to prove to yourself that you are special enough to receive that
contact, then you are only delaying the process, which is inevitable.
You want to relax into it, and you want to allow it to happen
in the perfect timing .So live your lives, and find your state
of joy, and you will be on that timeline.
You are doing
so well in so many areas of your consciousness evolution, and
you can live amongst your fellow humans as one who accepts, loves,
and has compassion for each and every one of them.
Thats something e.t.s are considering who on Earth is ready
for physical e.t. contact." The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read

film documentary : Joan, the DOLPHINS, the WHALES and us....
The Inner Magical
Expedition in the Essence of our True Nature

you have the ability to recognize that its time for you
all to move past those old war experiences, by forgiving those
involved in them, and eventually getting to the place of compassion
and unconditional love.
Those are the ways you move past the third-dimensional paradigm,
the third-dimensional way of living there on planet Earth.
And so many of you realize that you are ready to move past those
very harsh conditions that you sometimes find there on planet
And that is an inward journey. There is so much more that is being
done on the nonphysical level to help to create the world that
you want to be living in.
We can feel
that many of you just want out. You just want off of planet Earth,
but you are there to help. You are there to bring humanity to
that next level of consciousness, and we see you doing it, and
we see the ripple effects
that each one of you has with your good thoughts and your positive
intentions. You are making a difference there with your compassion,
and forgiveness,
and we know that you are going to reap the benefits of all of
it in this lifetime."~ The 9D Arcturian Council ..
Solar Openings...
now Expanding the Frequencies of Truth and Health

don't ever assume that your impact must come thru action or that
it must be measurable.
You have everything that you need in every moment of every day,
and those of you who recognize that can relax and can expect,
that what is needed will always come.
You are impacting
every other being in this universe and the universeas a whole
with your mere existence, when you think a thought that is positive.
You may not be able to recognize that yet or experience it ..
but the more you pay attention to your feelings, the easier it
will be for you to acknowledge the impact you want to have.
You can trust that what is needed will appear, and that your opportunity
to serve will come. Until that time, you can always focus on your
heart, your vibration, your thoughts and your intentions.
All of this can be fun if you make it fun. All of this doesnt
have to be hard work and serious.
And when you remember that, you can go about being the being of
service that you are,who impacts the whole with a smile on your
face." ~
The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read
The little Paradises
you create ... between the fires and the ices

You are
being called from within and from above to do what is going to
give you the most energy, what is going to light you up the most,
and what is going to be the most rewarding and fulfilling experience
for you.
You are not there to fix a broken world, but you are there to
know who and what you really are, as you allow more of yourself
to flow through your physical bodies.
Reach for
the happiness first, and you will then get the inspiration to
do something that will bring you more joy, freedom, confidence,
Yes, you are ascending, and more people accessing their spiritual
gifts is part of the ascension, but do enjoy that process, let
go of your worries, your fears, your judgments, and anything else
that is keeping you from being your whole self.
Put yourselves on that highest timeline and if some of you are
still waiting for those gifts and abilities to come to you, just
having that intention is enough for now.
Go and live your lives in joy, and these abilities will come to
you in the perfect way and in the perfect timing. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council
.. Read more
Navigating the
Timelines from the Heart

There is
only you and there is only Source, and everything else is your
creation to give you an opportunity to have the experiences that
will help you to grow, and this is true of everyone else within
your illusory reality.
Your feelings matter, and your experience of your feelings is
real. Your thoughts matter. Your thoughts create
and you
get to decide what you are creating next for yourself and for
others. And you are meant to use your powers effectively.
is, and you get to experience whichever aspects of All-That-Is
you truly desire to experience. You really are your soul.
That is you deciding you wanted to be born into a reality where
you would have certain definite challenges.. because you like
a challenge.
And it is challenging to create the experiences you want to have,
but its also fun.. it also brings more of you up and into
your soul, your body that is created by your soul
and you are getting to live as that creation that is a merger
of the physical and the nonphysical. And that creative power that
you have is fun when its utilized... but when it is ignored,
thats when you stop enjoying this creation of yours.
Do align with the truth of who you really are, and you can live
a blissful life of co-creation. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read
Our Inner Wings
of Change... Opportunities & Cosmic Gifts

you are experiencing is a part of your ascension. Nothing is just
an inconvenience. So everything you experience as a blockage is
meant to get you to grow spiritually
to find the power within yourself... to go over it, or through
it, but to always move on. There is always a continuation of the
expansion of Source Energy through you.
You have the
ability to relax and breathe into anything that is happening,
and when exercising that ability, you get the positive results
that you want.
You will keep ascending from the fifth to the sixth to the seventh
and so on. You knew you were a master when you signed up for a
series of Earth incarnations.
And being true to yourself is the way you take a gigantic step
forward on the journey. Be true to your feelings, and you give
everyone else permission to do the same, then you start seeing
more signs of an ascending society. It all starts with you; you
are the creator. Stop waiting for any bail out, and take the challenge
as an opportunity to become more of you, because thats what
it is.
Look around.. all contain exactly what you need to rise up to
that next level... and then you will have many brilliant stories
to tell." ~
The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read
The Shift...
into creative Heart-Vibration

The energies
coming in from your sun are to upgrade and activateyour solar
plexus chakras.
You are going through a shift in your personal identities... accessing
your sense of self and your self-confidence from entirely different
aspects of who you are than you previously have been.
And exchanging your old sense of self for your new sense of self,
as you become more aware of yourselves as multidimensional beings
of light and love.
You are Source
Energy Beings in the flesh. You are infinite and eternal
and the only question is whether you will enjoy it or not.
Those who are clinging to the old ways that include the old ways
of knowing the self will be struggling a bit. It is important
to let go.
It is a universal ascension, and Earth is at the very heart of
it . You have taken on so much, and you are ready to let go of
that which is no longer serving you... you are making a giant
leap forward in this month of July 2024.
We are happy to guide you through the experience... to put the
light on your own potentials. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read
Creating Ripples..
in & beyond Space-Time

You are
becoming what you focus upon. You may feel that you need to be
more informed so that you can know where to send the healing.
But what you
need to be informed of will make its way to you. Use your free
will to decide... recognize that you are receivingwhat it is that
you have been focusing upon in your reality, and empower yourselves
reminding yourselves that you can change your point of focus at
any time. What you can always do is feel for the resonance, the
relief, the expansion,
and the joy that comes to you when you are focusing on something
that is higher vibrational and when you are focusing on something
that you do want to experience more of.
Enjoy the process of experiencing yourself becoming that which
you are focusing upon, and you will enjoy the ride. Like ripples
across a pond, you know that your intentions matter. The 9D Arcturian Council
.. Read more
Rising, Integrating
and Expanding

Integrating and Expanding ... Where We are All Going Together
- Make peace with the current moment, with your current reality,
personal and global one.
Being at peace is a step closer to Source. See peace in all areas,
all countries, all continents, and you can start to see peace
when you can make peace with everything as it is right now.
There is a
lot of momentum carrying us to the next level, to the next octave,
the next experience.
Enjoy the ride on the waves of the expansion
by going with
the flow, and acceptance are so important... yes, you still do
get to create your reality, and you are so much more effective
as creators of your reality
when you are not in resistance.
You are there to integrate, and to see everyone and everything
as part of one Whole Being. That being is Source, and when you
are loving as Source, you are able to see everything as Source
Your ascension is assured, you still are deciding how you are
going to do it. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council ..
Let the sunshine in...
on our galactic essence & State of Being

that by focusing on the most positive future timelines for humanity
is that they expand and grow to include more positive experiences
We are co-creating these positive futures with all of you who
are focused onthe best possible timelines for humanity.
You are, right now, choosing which version of the future you are
aligning with, and you are doing so with the vibration you are
offering right now.
There is not
one future, and every future is malleable. Every future can contain
more magical experiences of joy and delight. They expand with
your focus upon them
to contain more of those absolutely mind-blowing, heart-opening
experiences that you all want to have.
Use your discernment, determine whether you want to add more energy
to a negative timeline, and the only way to do that is to tune
in to how you are feeling when you see someone
predicting food shortages, world wars, financial collapse and
everything else that some people are just convinced must happen
in order for humanity to grow.
You can grow through pain and suffering, but they are not prerequisites
to growth. You expand more through focusing on your heart, the
love that you are, the Source Energy Being that you are and that
everyone else is,
you are all riding this wave of expansion, love, joy, freedom,
creativity, abundance,and everything else you want to experience.
Use the power of your focus to create realities
and to put more energy towards what you want to experience. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council
.. Read more
A Walk in Nature,
a Meditation, a Love feeling... Interstellar steps

the Life You Want - You can tell what you have been vibrating
by the unique circumstances of your life experience in any given
One of the ways that you can turn it around is by changing the
way you feel about yourcurrent life circumstances
to vibrate at a higher frequency simply by looking at the world
around you from a different perspective, through a different lens.
give up, you will experience the changes that you want to see
in the outside world. You change you, and everything outside of
you. It is just that simple.
Why Source would have made something of Itself in such a
way. What would be the purpose? The purpose is to give you
the opportunity to be your real self, your whole self, in spite
of those circumstances.
And if you dont think you can.. then walk away from the
subject and go door see something, that will raise your vibration.
These challenges will make you more of who you really are when
you face them. ~
The 12D Creators
.. Read more
The Chrysalis
& morphosis of our Lives

New timelines
are created when you get imaginative. When you go beyond the beliefs
of those around you and those who have come before you.
Many of you are wondering when ships will land all across the
planet, and you think that these decisions are being made outside
of you, but you get to decide when that happens.
..or decide when humanity has access to free energy. You are the
ones focusing. You are the ones vibrating.
You are the
ones thinking, feeling, acting, speaking, and as you remain in
alignment with what you do want, and let go of what you dont
want, then you put yourself on that best feeling timeline for
But if you look around and say, These other humans arent
ready then you stay stuck on that timeline. It is up to
you. Think better of your fellow humans.
Rather than focusing on your flaws and your foibles, focus on
how far youve come, how much potential there is within each
and every one of you, and focus on the love that you are
and the love that exists in every other human being. And while
youre at it, focus on the truth that all beings throughout
the galaxy are love. They are Source Energy.
And sure, many of them have acted in ways that are much less than
what you would expect from a Source Energy Being, but that just
means you get to have the experience of forgiving them.
You get to see the best in every being. You are all going home
to Source; you are all there to remember who you really are.
Dont fall into that trap of seeing yourselves as small,
insignificant. The world is what you make of it. Choose the best
timeline for yourself right now by being conscious about the fact
that you are choosing
and that the timeline that will feel best to you does exist. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council
.. Read more
A Eclipse to
nudge you into a Higher-Vibrational State

You can
take advantage of an eclipse, a full moon, an equinox, a solstice,
or any other event by tuning in more to the energies that are
always helping you grow and expand.
You dont have to wait until something big happen in order
to experience your spiritual up-leveling of self.
You are always progressing with each and every breath
that your evolution does not have to involve pain and suffering,
just as it doesnt have to involve chaos and cataclysmic
No next prediction needed to tell you that now it is time for
you to go to the next level ofyour consciousness.
You can grow spiritually because thats what you want to
do. And again, no one can stop you, nor waiting for anything or
Ultimately, you will determine what your experience of that event
will be for you. You will have to decide for yourself what you
want to make it about for you.
You can grow
in leaps and bounds throughout April, especially if you are aware
of the opportunities to go to the next level of your consciousness.
You will be continuously nudged towards the thoughts and the behaviors
that will bring you into a higher-vibrational state, and anything
that is taking you in the opposite direction will stick out more
like a sore thumb to you.
You are more likely to detect a thought that doesnt serve
you because you are so accustomed to moving in the right direction
Continue to become more and more aware of when you are moving
towards your fifth-dimensional higher self.
You will also be able to make giant steps forward in projects
or goals that you have set for yourselves. Youre going to
get the nudges from your guides, the faerie realm, your higher
selves, for the muses are around,
and they are in fact a joyous group who want to co-create with
you.. with inspiring thoughts and ideas that you can and want
to act upon.
April is a month for you to expect great things. Now you can open
up more and you can see yourselves more moving in the direction
that you truly want to go in this lifetime of ascension. ~ The 12D Creators Read
Connecting Holographic
& Parallel Space-Time Realms

The Spring
Energies 2024 are giving the opportunity to refresh the timeline
that you are on before jumping to the new one that is more to
your liking.
A timeline is nothing more than a series of realities strung together
with logical cause and effect. You are the one who decides what
you are vibrating, whether you know you are doing it or not.
You determine which timeline you are on. And because so many of
you want to have such a positive impact on your world, you are
being given the opportunity to restart before shifting away from
Relax, know
that you are one giant receptor at this time.
Choose a timeline with more peace, more prosperity, more fairness,
with all of the ways for living a life of joy and freedom
letting go of your past holding you back, including past lives,
ancestors and karma.
Know that you are supposed to use these energies in whatever way
you want to use them.
There is a version of the human collective on every timeline.
You can jump timelines... Peace on Earth, or an experience like
a mass landing.. you can have at any time.
So you go to a different reality.. already a collective vibrating
at that same frequency to have that global experience with you.
There are infinite numbers of timelines to choose from, and you
dont have to wait for everyone else to be ready for the
timeline you want to experience.
Tell the universe, your guides, your higher self... then match,
align those words with your vibration. Dont feel bad about
leaving your old timeline behind and the human collective.. because
you can renew, refresh, and restart that timeline as you are leaving.
Your intentions are so powerful, and when you hold the intention
to not abandon anyone, then that will be your experience. Another
aspect of your soul will still be there on that timeline helping.
You are adding something to the collective consciousness
all will benefit as all can tap in to that template. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read
From Source
To Source
Am here now Source

are meant to thrive because you exist, and when you can acknowledge
that you exist in an abundant universe that is infinite and ever
expanding, then it becomes easier for you to let go of what you
were taught.
Merge more
with your non-physical self... you are letting go of old patterns,
old beliefs that say that you need to be keeping very busy all
the timein order to just survive.
You have now a lot more ease in sharing what is deep inside of
you, and you have so much support from the nonphysical.
You dont expand consciousness by working harder.. You are
there to expand consciousness, and you must start with your own...
what is inside of you is far more valuable than anything.
The inward journey towards your own creativity and your non-physical
self is what will propel you into the fifth dimension." ~
12D Creators
~ The
9D Arcturian Council .. Read
Breath Deep..
then beam.. like a Lighthouse

Home to Sirius, the Pleiades & Arcturus... All meant to inspire
and create.
" You have a future with us, a present with us, and a past
with us
when you go to the Pleiadian system, the Sirian
system, the Andromedan system, and so on, because you have
a history that spans eons of time and goes back much further than
the beginning of humanoid life there on planet Earth.
There is a
part of you in us, a part of us in you, and you notice that the
system that we come from feels like home to you. You are so much
bigger and more expansive than you have previously imagined
the truth of who you really are as galactic beings, as universal
beings, and as Source Energy Beings. You can go home right now
by reaching into your heartspace
and feeling for the presence of Arcturus, of the Pleiades, of
Sirius. Its all inside of you .. but you are there now,
and you are meant to live in the present moment,
and in this moment you have access to so much more of your galactic
self. " ~
The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read
When discovering
the substances of which you are made of

When discovering
the substances of which you are made of ... Your focus is an act
of creation in itself so choose well.
need not lament the fact that not everyone knows that humanity
is ascending.
We see the perfection of where everyone is, and where everyone
is choosing... but ultimately what matters most is how you are
living your life, what thoughts and feelings you are experiencing
and what perspectives you are taking on your life circumstances.
No need to think of anyone who is asleep as someone who is unaware.
They may be at times very aware of their vibration.
There are lots of wise humans out there who are not spiritually
awake. You have the advantage of being awake, and it helps you
tomake peace with a lot of what is going on
it doesnt
mean that everyone else who is not awake yet, is unfortunate.
They are living the lives that are perfect for them to be living
love each and every one of them, and have compassion for each
and every one of them.
Everyone is an aspect of Source. You will see more awakenings
occurring in large numbers this year, and that is exciting."
~ Thymus
~ The 9D Arcturian Council ..
The 5th-Dimensional
Beings You Are Becoming.

5th-Dimensional Beings You Are Becoming... as you are the changemakers.
This change is occurring inside of you so that you may shift to
a different reality that reflects that change to you.
Make peace
with whatever does exist, and that includes your own thoughts
and your own feelings. Navigate through these experiences and
these choices
without developing any jaded sensibility or any judgmental nature.
Even if others are asleep, they are still a part of your experience
and a part of you,
and they are there to be helped by y ou not shunned by you. You
will begin to feel the ascension happening within you and because
of all of the choices that you make with your lovely free will.
You are also leading through the thoughts you are thinking, the
ways you are feeling and vibrating,
and the beautiful fifth-dimensional beings you are becoming. -
Andromedan ~ The 9D Arcturian Council ..
Gigantic Leaps are Coming
for Humanity

for Humanity - When you open yourselves up to love, you open yourselves
up to everything that is of a higher vibration. Your souls always
choose to incarnate in all systems.
And therefore, the love coming to you from the Infinite Star System
is your own souls love.
You are seen as relative to these other aspects of your soul.
And when you fill yourself up with that love, you feel as you
are your true self for the first time .
Here is Your Impact: your love and desires have given birth to
new energies that then come into your awareness as inspiration,
as ideas
and because you are awake, always wanting to go
stretching the consciousness that you have. You will feel the
impact creating these new roadmaps for expansion of consciousness,
Gigantic Leaps
are Coming for Humanity
so If you wonder about the sanity of your decision to incarnate
at this time, see it as the time
when you get to expand, to evolve, and to ascend like nowhere
else in the universe.
Now isthe time where you get to harvest all of the fruits of your
It will start getting fun as soon as you believe that it is possible
to be fun given where you are right now.
So put on those rose-colored glasses, because its up to
You are the one in charge of your perspective... you are the one
who gets to vibrate in harmony with those beautiful experiences
that you all have available right now, as soon as you align with
Look for those opportunities to go with the flow .. to the higher
state of consciousness, let go of everything that is holding you
back from being true to your truest self, it will always be up
to you
what version of planet Earth, of yourselves and of others you
you prefer. - The Andromedan ~ The 9D Arcturian Council
.. Read more
Getting Closer
to our Higher Self & Source

Your scientists
know that the universe is expanding. So on that physical level
this is true, but on the metaphysical level, it is something you
have to feel for in order to know the truth of it
it takes
a little bit of focus.
You have to take your mind off of everything else and place your
conscious awareness on your heart. When you are in that space
of inner peace, in that space of love, you cannot help but feel
for the expansion
that is occurring
within you and all around you and in that moment you realize that
you are bigger than you thought you were.
Bigger than all of your problems combined. .. you are one with
Source Energy and that there is nothing to worry about. There
are other exercises.. like eating your vegetables and fruit is
good for you
also connecting with Mother Nature
and taking showers that
are cleansing your aura, your energy field. You can listen to
music that uplifts you, spend time with an animal, or watch the
sunrise or sunset.
Put yourself in that state of realization, that you are an ever-expanding
being of Light who is on the earthly plane to recognize that truth
about yourselves and then to live that truth.
You want to experience it, and feeling it, is the way you will
feel closer to us, closer to your higher self. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council
.. Read more
Love the little things you like... to enjoy the ride even more.
Gratitude &
Appreciation: Your Tools for Creation

& Appreciation: Your Tools for Creation... that will add an
energy signature to what you have, put out and resonate.. a vibration
to all of humanity and beyond.
It also places you on a different timeline, where there is more
for you to appreciate and enjoy.
When you love
anything, you align with your true power, with your true self,
and you align with more of whatever it is that you are in love
with in that moment.
You do not have to go about things the hard way. Yes, you can
raise your vibration by becoming desire-less and sitting in meditation,
but you came to have experiences, you came to express yourselves,
and you came for the physicality of planet Earth and your dimension.
So enjoy it all, appreciate it all,resist none of it, and see
how much more you have to be grateful for.
Move forward in this life experience, a life experience that can
be filled with abundance and joy. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read
The Dawn that
imparts your Cosmic Wisdom

we awaken within you is universal... and who you really are is
nothing short of the entire universe and then some
lives, parallel lives, and even future selves... You are everything,
all at once,
we know that it is too much for you to grasp
and so, that
means going beyond the limitation of thinking of yourself as being
just one of anything.
Now it is a good start to identify with your galactic origin or
your twelfth-dimensional self.Consider that you are your soul
and that your soul is Source. You can go anywhere
and be anything when you know that about yourself.
do I want to be today? How do I want to feel today?
What do I want to create and experience today? Now
You are meant to go beyond limitation. You have awakened to the
self-imposed limitations,
and to peel them all away and just be yourself. Become the pied
piper of spirituality."
~ The
9D Arcturian Council .. Read
Freeing our Light
Body dna-Codes

You are
Creating the New 5D Earth.
There is a lot on your planet to be outraged about
but as
you see the world out there as a macrocosm of you
and when
you get enough of the awakened collective to focus and set their
intention for something positive for humanity,
the impact is enormous. - You are creating the New Earth first by realizing
that there is a problematic society that needs changing. It is
with your power that lies within, that you create these changes..
without having to topple any regimes... you see first the changes
that benefit everyone. Shifting to 5D.. brings you closer to the
ultimate goal of existence, which is
having the ability to tune into the energies.. and getting to
experience the Expansion that occurs when you raise your vibration,
little by little, and without taking the fast train to the finish
line, no matter
what you may think at times to be the case. If you miss out on
all of the steps, all of the experiences, all of the feelings,
then you may miss out on your purpose for existing there in the
first place.
You are there to have experiences, and the jollies from those
experiences. It doesnt have to look any more grandiose than
This journey is meant to be savored, and that is why we will always
remind you to be more present.
It is only in the present moment that you can feel the little
changes that are occurring inside of you ... moving closer to
Source, to unconditional love, to oneness, to peace, to creativity.
~ The
9D Arcturian Council .. Read
Activating ...
Surfacing as an intuitive Inner Knowing

human collective consciousness is growing, expanding, and evolving
so much more now, people are starting to realize that they are
the ones who must initiate the change.
Enough of you are changing your vibration by going within and
that makes huge impacts on the collective consciousness.
What is happening
outside of you needs to become irrelevant. Youre not going
to let it determine how you feel and at what frequency you vibrate.
Yes, at times you cannot help but feel saddened by a situation
yet you are at the point now where you must realize that to stay
in those states of being doesnt serve you.
The movement of your own vibration to a higher frequency state
is what you always have control of, and that will make the biggest
impact on your world. .. with your positive and high vibration
more than anyone can with their negative vibration. Take back
your higher power.
You can live in that world you want to live in, but you are not
going to get to it unless you are vibrating in harmony with it,
and its hard to vibrate in harmony with it if you keep looking
at the world thats outside.
Its a law of the universe that you are a part of. So continue
on that inward journey, because those predictions keep coming
up short, as you uplift and change it through raising your vibration"
~ The
9D Arcturian Council .. Read
you are
in Alliance with the essence of eternity

"You are there to shift
before the rest of humanity, but to also be able to lower your
vibration enough to still serve them is of paramount importance.
You must have
access to more of your gifts and abilities and also your fifth-dimensional
abilities. Yeshua walked on water; it was not to show off. It
was to demonstrate what was possible.
And so, you will be the miracle-workers
used sparingly for
those who are ready to awaken and who need that little nudge.
You will also be operating more as your higher selves, more with
those light bodies, which will give you a different energy field..
and with the power of focus, the power of intention, the power
of vibration
its time for you to be who you really
areand to not let anything or anyone stand in the way of that."
~ The
9D Arcturian Council .. Read
The treasure
chest of truths we've hidden from ourself

chose to take on more challenges, baggages from your past life
selves and your genetic line, because you felt at the time you
were up to the challenge. At times the challenges were excruciating
yet you kept going,.. kept coming to Earth, a place where no one
is trapped.
No one is forced to incarnate anywhere because of karma. You incarnate
where/when you want to incarnate, in that particular place and
time, because you are sovereign beings, you are Source,
and you do get to choose whether to continue a series of lifetimes
in a particular location.
And with a great degree of courage and an enormous belief in yourselves
and also in your guides and other helpers.
You are our
ground crew there on planet Earth, and we need you in order to
deliver the help.
Your inner peace leads to getting everything that you want, walking
around emanating those truths, even if you dont speak them
aloud .. all are benefitting from what you are grounding in from
As fifth-dimensional beings who will engage in instant manifestation
all is reflecting back to you what you are vibrating.
You can activate so much within yourself in a moment of appreciation. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council .. Read
Moving in New
Frequency & New Dimension

New Frequency
really want things to change there on Earth, but that requires
people to be more introspective than to have the knowledge of
whats going to happen next.
By letting go of the idea of something outside of themselves to
change everything... by grounding, connecting with nature, hydrating
etc.. you do receive help at the appropriate timing and the appropriate
Many are not ready... And you as the awakened collective have
to be patient with your fellow humans. You are living your fifth-dimensional
lives right now
you are manifesting, and you are connecting to higher-dimensional
groups and beings.
When you are
not in alignment with something off but you are still giving your
attention to it, your vibration lowers
Discern what is in
vibrational harmony with you.
You have all the tools inside of youto determine for yourselves
whether something is appropriate or not for you to focus upon.
Move towards that which is in harmony with your vibration ...
know what to look forand what to focus upon. You are choosing..
choosing consciously and with feeling.~ The 9D Arcturian Council ...... Read more
Life is a Multidimensional

Stay Tuned
Much More is Coming - You are on a planet and in a dimension where
you might feel out of place. The truth is you are there to bring
a higher consciousness to the collective,
and you do that best when you are being yourself. Remember that
you would never be somewhere unless it served you and others for
you to be there. If you just shifted right now to the fifth dimension,
you would feel that you had abandoned billions of people, and
you dont want to have that feeling. Therefore, relax into
where you are right now, and be content.
You are receiving
inspired ideas and impulses... You are there to create Heaven
on Earth, and to anchor in those galactic energies that you are
so eager to move to.
The first step is always acceptance of what is. By being grounded,
you have then the opportunity to feel more ecstasy, more bliss,
more joy, more love, more excitement.... Therefore, relax into
your bodies, be present,
and being as heart-centered as you can be, and opportunities will
follow. Stay tuned, more is coming
. from your guides, from
your higher selves.
~ The
9D Arcturian Council ...... Read
The Lineage of
DNA - Lemurian Gifts within all Heart Vibrations + Sirius Rising

A Gigantic
Leap Forward for Humanity
The significance of this gigantic leap forward is when you recognize
that inner peace is more available to you now.
Any moment you have greater access to the vibration of your liking
and with something involving your sun... you are the cause of
this gigantic leap forward in your spiritual evolution.
Think about how many of you there are now working for the Light
and working to bring about this shift in consciousness for the
entire collective...
every positive thought counts, as you are Source Energy Beings,
pretending to be human. ~ The 9D Arcturian Council ......
with this Nodal Axis Shift

The level of solar activity is unprecedented certainly in our
lifetimes.. couldn't sleep at all or absolutely flattened by it.
Our little individual energy bodies are having to assimilate so
much new information that is being brought forward from the Galaxy.
Equally because we're moving through these huge waves of photonic
light information and light carries intelligence. Together they
are forming a weave with our DNA to reactivate our DNA.. to remember..
to stir our DNA, enabling every cell in our body to hold more
light as we move towards becoming the light body crystalline plasma.
As we can embody more light. It becomes much easier for us to
receive more information from the Galaxy. Tuning into higher channels,
to get more information and this is going to continue in Leaps
and Bounds..
particular those of us who wish to are going to be making those
evolutionary leaps
like a tiny Acorn encoded with a 60 feet
oak tree. Or like the information in a caterpillar turning into
a butterfly... For us as Humanity, encoded in our DNA was that
we were meant to go through this Quantum Evolutionary Leap at
this time it's encoded in our DNA... this process is right now,
activated by the level of Light which we're receiving, Absorb
the light pouring in through your crown chakra and really try
as far as you're able because there's going to be challenges.
Yes there is going to be chaos! curveballs! being knocked off
our perch from time to time
but we can bring ourselves back to that equilibrium and to that
Stillness because it's the energy - changing everything it's the
energy. It's carrying us Beyond because the higher we get in frequency
the more we go beyond all of this
beyond the wars, the death,
the poverty, the misery.
And I'm not saying to ignore people in need at all - we can be
there to be compassionate, kind and loving and hopefully of practical
help as well but stay in a positive state
Everything cascades from your inner state - you can't experience
peace in your reality unless you feel it in your inner being -
you can't experience love in your reality unless you embody it
in your inner being, your inner State. Your inner State defines
everything in your reality. So make that your focus going forwards
because that's where things become simple. Out there it's really
complicated, so just keep broadcasting like a lighthouse: tune
out the noise and if all gets too much just remember just shut
your eyes drop into your breath. Slow and deepen your breath,
drop into your heart and within seconds
not only do you feel your breath slowing and deepening, you feel
your heartbeat slowing. You're reducing the amount of cortisol
in your blood - you're boosting your immune system the longer
you do it - the more those things happen. Do that at home for
free - the more you come together in a group the more
that energy is magnified, together holding hands we make this
evolutionary jump. You can rapidly change your energy state just
by doing that, and how easy is that? Our evolution is encoded
for these times - ancient prophecies talked about it - tune out
the noise, the drama, drop into the Stillness.
The more you can love the Bliss the faster it happens." ~ Pam Gregory Astrolger
...... Read more
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