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Within our "star-nature" are our tools of Transmutation = Love focuses, balances and transforms our field of energies into wings - our trans-dimensional magnetic / electric "vessels"
"Always fascinated to experience the mystery of " INFINITY " ; the ultimate Source of a not far-distant world... an "here/now" realm and perception.. 
- Simply listening to the" MUSE " :  our pure Feminine aspect, Mirrors of our Gratitude, the INTUITION and Co-creation. The Sacred Yin Beyond cultures and genders - We are naturally linked with our innate nurturing innovative..

Deep within.. are memories of "our real life"… a timeless beauty before birth & after death.. beyond the veils of the restricted physical duality… Access this simply by Living in Harmony with NATURE. “ JL

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Everything will flow according to vibration

Everything will flow according to vibration. Identify more as that which is growing, expanding, evolving and ascending. Even though you will have bodies in the fifth dimension…
your soul is your true self, that is the eternal, infinite part of you. It takes the expansion and goes with the feeling of all, rather than the temporary aspects.
Your soul isn’t concerned who in power politically or how much money you have in the bank. Your soul is in it for the journey. It is really the journey that matters...
.. what you can feel, how open your heart is, the amount of kindness you are sending around, how many people you have smiled at today.
Nothing is going to stop you from ascending, and no one with a negative agenda can prevent you from doing anything, but you can prevent yourselves from enjoying this process
and experiencing it fully. The only spiritual war that’s going on right now is taking place inside the consciousness of each being. When you achieve inner peace, you achieve peace outside yourself.
Emanate peace, and it all starts with you and your awareness. Because it is at that moment that you become aware that you are The Source of it all… that you are The Creator, and there’s nothing thatyou cannot create. But you’ve got to start with your vibration.
Your vibration is your primary creation. As Source, you don’t think of yourself as separate, or even individuated. You are all that is, and as all that is, you have access to all the higher-frequency energies.~
from The 9D Arcturian Council
Reality is an energetic world in which thought creates vibration, vibration attracts whatyou are tuning into, and what you tune into draws the unseen into form.
We honor the courage you have to be here during this time of awakening. There are so many disconnected souls spreading the virus of fear. There are so many more, however, who – like you – are laboring in love to usher in an era of
kindness, tolerance, freedom, and openness. For now, allow your Source to simply love you into a vibration where you become the invincible creators that you truly are.
Receive dear friends. You are all precious souls adding light and love to a vast and beautiful creation.~
from VisionsofHeaven. Read more


Each one of you is a microcosm of the entire Universe.

Awake Spiritual Humans understand that they are Source Energy and know that everyone else in the entire universe is as well.
And when you can accept, forgive, and embrace everyone as they are… you will see those enormous, massive changes you want to see on Earth right away, because you will be seeing the world through that new lens.
You will be vibrating differently, and you will be attracting new stories about people coming together because of the decision you made within yourself to start accepting others regardless of what they do, what they think,
what they say and what they believe. That is where your true power lies.This is not a mind game. This is a game of vibration, energy, and focus, and when you focus your energy, you shift your vibration, and you are able to feel that which is available to you first.
Then comes what you perceive in your physical reality. Then come the people that you will call your tribe, your soulmates.

On Earth, when you begin to believe in the illusion or ‘the matrix,’ you forget that your existence is about expanding into the newest creations of Source.
And of course, you also forget that you are that Source that is both creating and experiencing simultaneously.
And if you see it all as Source, then it becomes more fun. The feeling states are much more infinite in nature than what is physical, which can break, be lost, be stolen, or simply no longer serve you.
The inner realm is where all your power lies and it is where we meet you. It is where we are available to you all the time and where we spread the peace within you so that you may spread it all around your beautiful planet.
~ the Arcturian Council ... Read more

Waves are Revealing and Activating our Galactic HigherSelf-Soul-DNA

"The October 2021 Energies.. are about granting you more access to your parallel lives, your parallel universe selves, your past and future selves, as well as opening you up to the truth of who you really are
as a Source Energy Being; a Being that only and always experiences oneness, unity consciousness. Your connection to all beings is more than just a connection; it’s all of you, taking in your higher self & etheric state,
connected to All-That-Is, all moments, all experiences, all vibrations.
Now you receive because you stop trying so hard to make everything happen yourself. Relax and open up to all of the energies that are coming from the higher realms. As you’ve lived enough lifetimes to deserve everything.
Earth was always meant to be a melting pot of the galaxy, where a race of beings
would have the opportunity to bring all of their gifted aspects together and integrate them into oneness and wholeness."
~The Arcturian Council
“This station or Nirvana” is not a place, it is a group of souls with some members of vast powerful civilizations, living within a collective soul group in physical or nonphysical worlds, and some are free spirits
even without an etheric body to accomplish soul contract missions.
All of us can tap into our combined experiencing and knowledge at any time, and simply by the power of One, be in multiple places in this universe simultaneously. You and every other soul in this universe have the very same innate abilities.
It’s that through long ages of self-discovery and many lifetimes of service to various kinds of civilizations, every soul at this station has achieved a fine measure of attunement with the universe.
The foundation of that multi-layered world is love, the same energy as Light, and that energy’s high vibrations stabilize the realm."
~ matthewbooks. Read more


Your soul wants you to step into this greater vibrational freedom.

As your planet is shifting you are seeing the eternal expansion of your consciousness, more than the sense of self. You were never meant to cling to these illusions in the physical.
You are stripping away the identities of the ego in order to become your higher self, You don’t have to wait for a solar flash, or an event. And you do want to identify as an infinite, eternal, formless being of light and love. …
All can have inner peace and a sense of satisfaction just from existing.Go inside of you leading to where Everything needed already exists… and then you will experience the completion of the shift.
Who you really are is everything and everyone. And so, if you are pushing against anything, you are pushing against something that is inside of you,
It is always about your consciousness, your vibration, your energy, your thoughts, your emotions, and your beliefs.
We are in the process of becoming our oversouls as you are in the process of becoming your higher selves.
Beyond your linear thinking… is the best possible experience you can have. You are walking transmitters of a higher frequency vibration and you take cosmic downloads.
You are getting the activations to better know yourselves as your higher selves

Simply be authentic, and people will want to know what your secret is. Just relax, feel your feelings, and do your best to feel good. And that’s all your higher selves are asking of you. that you can enjoy these years left in the fourth dimension. These transformative energies coming into your fields, your chakras, your bodies, your cells, and every aspect of you... those things are connected to your vibration...
in receiving them, you anchor them into the physical, which is transformative for others.We are observing the impact of your acts of kindness, each thought of unity, and each feeling of love, and we assure you that your positivity matters.
You impact the entire universe just by thinking about someone you love, then you will enjoy more the ride, all of your companions, whether they be human, animal, or extra-terrestrial, and a bit more.
They are the feelings of home, the feeling of Source, and the feeling that you are always connected, are when you let go of everything else that contradicts all that you seek to experience.
Every word you speak, every thought you think, and every intention you hold impacts the whole. Live more in the moment in your lives, in order to truly be aware of what you are vibrating,
~ the Arcturian Council ... Read more

Energies Coming In from many Universes… Giant Leap Forward for Humanity

Giant Leap
You are free to feel how you want to feel. Begin there. Embrace a vibration of freedom if you truly want more freedom in your world. Always and forevermore, it is your vibration that dictates what you attract or allow. And Your every desire causes the entire universe to respond.
Humanity is inherently good. Seek that. See that. Revel in that. Claim that! You are always happier when you focus on the good growing in your life, rather than fearing that which would choke it off.
What you focus upon you empower. So shift your focus instead to the spiritual truth that there is Divine light, love, happiness, and well-being lying dormant within all souls waiting to arise. You came here to create Heaven on Earth.
~ The Angels
You have the freedom within the fourth dimension to create the experiences you want to have and then to manifest those experiences.
The future is all about probabilities, and you as the awakened ones in the human collective can and will choose from those probabilities.
You needed that op-pression to stay in the fourth and third dimensions long enough to have a collective event that will be the ascension of all of humanity presently on Earth.
You have gotten very good at pretending, but your awakening is really a remembering. It is a lifting of the veil of forgetfulness. If you do go into a pit of despair, just realize that experience, will be temporary because it’s all part of the game you are all playing with yourselves, and nothing is permanent.
You are there to remember who you really are and so everyone else. Enough people have graduated from the us-versus-them mentality and have opted instead for inner peace, tranquility, inner harmony. It is so much more important that you exude love, compassion, and an instrument of the universe... than it is to be right.

That is why we are working closely with the sun, your guides and your higher selves to determine which facts about your personal and collective histories you should be receiving while you are asleep… To see clearly who you have been and where you have been in these galaxies and dimensions.
Beyond all of that, you are Source Energy Beings, and that is what is most important for everyone to know there on Earth at this time.There are many potential timelines in front of you. Your spiritual evolution is the ultimate goal there on Earth.
The e.t.s wanting to help, do not want to rescue you, but they do want you to see yourselves, your world, and your fellow humans in a different light.You are the change-makers there on Earth, and that ripple effect that you have on the entire universe is felt and experienced by All.
Recognize that by living through these polarized times, you create more than you could imagine. Look for the positives amidst everything that you are experiencing, because that will be the way for you to stay in a high enough vibration to benefit from these new energies coming in from afar.

When you are not worried, not stressed and not afraid.. You are wide open to life as it is in this moment on Earth, and when you are wide open, you get what we and other Galactics are giving you energetically.When you unclench your fist, you receive with an open hand, and the same is true with your energy.
Your spirituality is an inward journey, Now you have been guided to turn your attention to that place within yourselves where you know who you really are: where you vibrate the fastest and the highest.
~ the Arcturian Council ... Read more


Higher Reality is the harmonious coexistence of spiritual clarity and Universal Principles

Looking in
As you feel the waves of the Solar Light Codes… It is under great pressure that you are detaching from the lower timeline.. while it is the acceleration of your evolution
that begins your new cycle at the highest frequency possible for New Earth. Higher Reality is the harmonious coexistence of spiritual clarity and scientific principles of the universe.
Enjoy your freedom to think the thoughts that give you the feelings you want, and in this reality, you will also find great freedom in your external world.

This life is not about suffering and survival. Your souls are awakening at a whole new level.
Your hearts are whispering. "We want change. We want to live and thrive and be alive, not merely exist!”
There will be no fear and no control in the New Earth, simply the Flow of Love and Creation, as you evolve and grow through your ongoing creations.
And you are more effective at creating your reality when you have a powerful number of you gathered with that same goal of uplifting the consciousness of humanity.
Start looking within…at your higher self, your soul, your oversoul, the bigger parts of you. You get to create in this moment. You get to choose,
and many Beings who operate within this universe.. Amplify your loving consciousness, as it encircles the world.
Read more


The Pineal Eye  &  The Universe Within

Pineal Eye
"A critical mass that has been reached in regards to the evolution of your consciousness. Crystals were always meant to awaken the truth of who you are, When you do connect to Mother Earth we will guide you with your intuition as you access these energies
and higher dimensional versions of you or extra-terrestrial versions of you. Into your inevitable future as a multi-dimensional being in a human body, living on a fifth-dimensional planet.
Now is the time to be grounded to your Mother Earth... Everything and everyone is a part of you and wants you to feel that connection.‘Everything’ is a synonym for the word ‘Universe.’ You are this peaceful universe that wants to explore itself as you continue your expansion..
When you open up to your own infinite and eternal nature.. you have access to Source, which means to everything when you look inside of you.
You have extra-terrestrial DNA inside of you. You can experience your multidimensional self by going within.Cosmic rays are working with the higher selves of the awakened collective
via these small portals.. like your pineal gland;this third eye allows you to see inter-dimensionally." D.S.

"Like a seed, your energy is guiding you to think and act in ways that will help you create new life and change. Your positive feelings help steer your actions: it is a high vibrational platform from which to create your next set of dreams!
.. in the 5D. reality that you are entering, your energy matters… good-feeling action is productive. Create your own reality through a higher vibe and live your lives freely untethered from the behaviors or beliefs of others." A.A.

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Navigating the Plasma Seas / Galactic Energies of the New Earth

An energetic tsunami is urging us to root deeper into Love. After this Shift we will feel our vibration totally upgraded. Old patterns can no longer exist in this New Dimension of high vibes.
Mastering the mind will make it easier to navigate. Breathing in Nature will open windows to the New Crystalline Earth.
Humanity is taking The next leap in Evolution. This new Galacticus/multi-dimensional human is centered in the Heart with a vast array of innovations, light and consciousness.
There is a bigger story to who we are, where we came from, and going to…all integrated in our DNA Star-Transmissions.
Our sacred-heart’s energy is circulating between the frequencies of human and divine Source by recognizing the goodness within and gravitating towards which is uplifting, inspiring, healthy, and happy for us.
This wave of love is catalyzing the massive awakening that humanity collectively has prayed for. You are the Seed or the Cocoon surrendering to its own process of death and rebirth, ready to fly high.
Your vibration of joy and relationship with the Source of life within is most relevant of all. You are nothing less, than the power that creates worlds experiencing itself in countless forms.

Within your existence on the Earth there are multiple dimensions. Our truth is constantly shifting, and who we are is constantly changing.
Everything we are hold the vibration of our truth... like accessing a very pure aspect of our being that is beyond our thoughts.
And this vibration of truth already exists within the cells of your physical body.
Read more


As the vibes of Appreciation rise, it opens vistas into the New Earth

Cosmic pulse
Welcome Home! - Cosmic pulses of frequency will increase in support of your highest intents and dreams, in balance with your New Aria ( 5th Dimensional Planet ) Hologram.
Love and compassion is the resonance needed for the next level, hold the vibration to transform. To see the new beginning you have to take physical action, to start building anew.
Welcome to the New you stay in the Heart, interact with each other via Integrity, it will build the frequency that you're going to project. These are new Timelines ( that we are creating )
Source weaves all dreams and desires into streams of grace for all Creation.. from the smallest of your cells to the vast galaxies.. all are consciousness calling forth very unique path..
constantly updating your own flow… your focus and choice of reality to create.
When you relax you are deeply connected with the Source of all creation, more open to love, goodness and guidance.

Attune to a world that is "more real" than the one of your physical. Allowing you to naturally tap into the World of Energy.. a world of incredible love, wonder, peace, serenity, harmony and joy that lives just beyond the surface of all you perceive.
... and therefore draw to you a better and kinder future, all in the here and now.Hold your Peace in this Adaptation-Time of Change & Expansion.
Read more on my FB-page ( from M. Jacobi, A. Albers and more )


You are the one driving the changes.

Flowers of May
You are the one driving the changes. A massive dimensional split is occuring on the surface of the earth right now!.. everyone is choosing the timeline they most RESONATE with.
As you move up through these huge Gamma light rays and universal dimensions that are re-activating human dormant DNA strands..
No words can describe the absolute awe that you shall experience! As your Vibration increases, you are becoming lighter, you are becoming Light!
Each and every life is the love-light essence of Creator Source, the most powerful force in existence. Only the Souls on the other side of the veil have total knowing of the reasons for incarnating this time round.
Eons of galactic wars have accumulated within the Akash.. Lemuria and Atlantis.. cosmic tragedies that still play out in daily human lives in an array of daily struggles,
ups, downs and longings. Yet ascending whilst still in a body is the Greatest Adventure. Ask for celestial support... be in your joy... and stay organic.
Read more on my FB-page ( from oraclegirl, Al. Quinn, M.Love and more )


The Universe responds to your frequency… so tune into the energy you want to manifest.

Quantum state
The Universe responds to your frequency. It doesn’t recognize your personal desires. - It only RESONATES to the frequency in which you are vibrating.
If you are vibrating in the energy of fear, guilt or shame, you attract similar vibrations or frequencies. If you are vibrating in the frequency of love, joy & abundance,
you are going to attract things to support this frequency. Simply, tune into the energy you want to manifest.
~ The Universe
The Source of the Universe accommodates our lives… our Quantum Consciousness is created by the purity of our thoughts and feelings.
Resisting love does not diminish who you are .. it simply diminishes your experience of who you TRULY ARE. - You are now birthing yourselves anew, freeing yourselves
to experience and express the love that you are made of ... and thus raising your vibration ... so you are ready when the Opportunity arrives.
Read more on my FB-page ( from A.Albers, and more )


We Are a “White Fire Seed Atom” of All That Is

Seed Atom
Choosing to imagine the Best, will bring good vibrations into our Here and Now. Our attention and energy - our life force - our soul's growth and expansion.
Our choice to elevate our vibration, letting go of the dance of right/wrong, and trusting in the vibrational Universe to draw like unto like, will bring us greater happiness. (A.A.)
Nothing can separate us from Source. What does affect that journey is the energy of thoughts.. Visualizing Earth in golden-white light, living from our hearts… Energy is what everything is about.
Light is bodies' life force.. strengthens immune systems and enables physical viability in the higher vibrations of fifth density planes where Earth is heading.
Light keeps intensifying throughout the planet and the cells of people who are absorbing this light and becoming crystalline. (M.)

All of the positive experiences and wisdom gained during all our lifetimes are stored in the "White Fire Memory Seed Atoms” ‘our Akash-Holographic Consciousness' within.
Each person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying harmonious frequency patterns according to his or her level of consciousness.
Changes are evolving as we integrate the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies which are bathing our Earth at this time. (R.H.)
Read more on my FB-page ( from A.Albers, Ma)tthew, R.Herman )


Our Dimensional Jump Journey

D. Jump
In Our Dimensional Jump Journey - You are the signaler, the tuner, the allower and therefore the creator of your own personal reality
and as you Signal what you desire, Tune into what you wish to Feel... allowing it to come to you.
You need not think about what action to take next if you act naturally based on your heart's natural urgings ... you will be naturally guided to your place, according to your own desires, in this beautiful dance of life.
By being true to self and in so doing.. allowing life to sort you into groups of like mind and like heart. Like organ cells, congregating together for a common purpose.
Breathe. Relax. What comes naturally, lovingly, kindly to you now, is your path.
Read more on my FB-page ( from VisionsofHeaven ,com)


The Renaissance - When Challenges become Opportunities.

When you are in heavenly dimensions, the Energetic Universe is apparent. Think of something and it appears. All of life looks like a beautifully coordinated dance.
But in 3D, like a tree at the end of winter, you long to grow into something more. You can choose new lives in any number of realities..
When you feel lack
you can inwardly tune into abundance by appreciating everything. When you are sick you can find peace and appreciate your health care providers and that love will be reflected right back to you.
This is why you are here – not to suffer, but to love, expand, and create.. here upon this playground called earth. You are embodiments of the Divine… this is the nature of your very Being.
Perhaps you can't control the 3D world. But you can breathe. You can flow love. You can control your vibration... your own energy field... and therefore your own personal field that will attract your own personal reality.
Our physical bodies are being upgraded, and the Higher your own vibrational frequency, the easier you will be able to navigate these intense inner changes,
as every strand of DNA, all the Cells and the Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual are getting more and more Light-Filled.
If you buy into the mass consciousness of fear and hysteria, you will clog your own energy fields, and thus will not be able to assimilate these changes.
Embrace the immortality of your Soul, knowing this lifetime is but a single eyewink in eternity. Death is an illusion, the Soul cannot age, for it is Pure Energy. it is a space Explorer.
Eventually, the lower energies of the third-dimensional world will leave your reality, because they cannot sustain themselves in your Higher Vibrational Energy Field. ~ Asara
While in the continuous Collapse and Expansion we are seeing the Universe and Life recreating itself.
T.Wade - - Read more on my FBook page

2021 The Bridge Year

2021 Bridge Year
2021 is a Bridge Year... from the old energy to the BEginning of the next Super Cycle of 2000 years called the Age of Aquarius. This will become easier in the course of the year as the Aquarian Energy becomes more tangible
and we begin to see what our path will BE. - At this time there are several Timelines / Dimensions running at the same time in the same space.
We are choosing where to go and what to manifest and so we need to havea very clear idea of what RESONATES with our HEART and SOUL.~
C. Fenn
February 2021 will have 7 planets in Aquarius… Huge Shifts, then Renaissance.

BE in a space of Equanimity and Observation, and Not allowing yourself to be entangled in the strife of the mental and emotional conflict.
It means you are not of the vibration that is creating drama.. For you are learning to Master the posture of inner peace that is your birthright in the essence of your SOUL. ~
J. Ryan
You never stop expanding, and you never stop becoming more of who you really are… The real Event is you becoming more like Source Energy, that means acknowledging that it’s all inside of you, even the ones you want to condemn,
even the beliefs that you cannot understand how anyone could even entertain. Then you also get to have the biggest ride possible... when this swings into the Light, carrying you and the rest of humanity where you all belong.
You are becoming your higher selves, and you are becoming fifth dimensional.~
D. Scranton - Read more on my FBook page


You are Lights in the dark

You are Lights in the dark - the more of you that dare to imagine a kinder world, the quicker that reality will manifest. - Feel this feeling of appreciation expanding within you.

Do you get how it's all connected? it depends on us - we have one job: Raise our frequency... with integrity, a place of authentic love and compassion for what people are going through.
A critical mass will soon achieve evolution in conscious awareness for the collective. These changes begin first on the etheric levels and filter down to the material plane of existence.
An opportunity is before humanity - not the end of the world, only the end of the world as you knew it. Remain calm, carry peace as your vibration so that it brings greater stability upon the Earth.
The One New Earth Unity consciousness field is our extended aspects through our Higher-self-lineages - the multidimensional expression of the angelics nature,dolphins, fairy, dragon realms, extraterrestrial Intelligence,
galactic and groups of which we are a part and co-creating this time/space of the One New Earth, the peace and ascension Frequency.

Our empathic intuitive body is our guide - our empathic nature and telepathic awareness are key. Release the old that has been holding us back.. anything that is lowering our vibration. Many of our gifts and abilities are now available in ways that we never could have imagined.
We are currently being tested by our Higher selves to show how much of our ego lessons we have mastered…. releasing all of our old programmings and karmic loops.. By detaching from negativity and anchoring more and more peace into our lives
Our assignment is not to be an observer but to change the vibratory level of earth. Each one of us has a High level being aspect part of us. It’s Who We Really Are! It’s the TRUTH of you. It’s the LIGHT of you. It’s our higher dimensional self.
You’re all in human bodies and you’re subject to human emotions. But guidance from your Higher Dimensional Perspectives is coming directly into your Hearts! Our LIGHT Body is like a library of Wisdom and Knowledge collected by our SOUL..
allowing us to BEcome more sensitive to the Vibrations of the Creative Source.
Read more on my FB-page ( from Ann Albers + The Galactic Federation ,)


The Galactic Waters & their Cosmic Magnetic Fields

Galtic Waters
Entering the Aquarius Stargates of Crystalline Beauty. We decide what will be inspiring and in vibrational harmony with our truth. We swim in a sea of vibration and in this new 5D reality,simply tuning into those energies and thus drawing them to us.
Let your intuitive self become your authority.. with the unique opportunity to move from the deepest of density to the highest of frequencies, shifting from a linear to a multi-dimensional living.
This is the season of change, telepathically expanding, to see new visions or read energy fields.Eventually, all will become Pure Light at the center of creation. Past, present and future all exist at the same time right now.
This is how wisdom and higher information is passed to us, to enlighten us more, to the power and beauty of who we are.

Soon this DNA Expansion will BEcome very noticeable. With the Jupiter Saturn great conjunction on this Solstice. We are here for the game, the codes, seeking to discover the solutionsto this grand dilemma.
Reveal our celestial heritage.. to resurrect the codes of consciousness stored inour being... to restore beauty through value of life, and to remember who we are. A stabilizing factor for Dimensional Shifts.
There are no mistakes, only lessons. As we change our inner world, the outer world will also change for us. Life makes a frame, but we paint the picture. Look inward, trust ourself.
The Next two months
(Dec.Jan.) we are crossing this Great Quantum Field of Crystalline Particles Read more on my FB-page ( from Ann Albers + The Galactic Federation ,)


The Clearing is happening - Participation.... from the Heart

"The Fifth Dimensional frequencies are already accessible on your planet. Your human body is a complex organism, with the genetic lines of almost all the races in the Universe.
That is why you are so unusual, and why the Universe observes you so much. Many changes will happen on your planet, by the end of this year. The divine feminine is here to dissolve old templates
Feelings create vibrations that change frequencies. Assist by keeping your frequency high and holding on to your vision of liberty, peace, and love for the human race.
The Revelation of truth is near. All darkness is coming into light. The conscious metamorphosis could still be uncomfortable but...
by observing without judgment... it provides the space to Creation and Beauty.

All human DNA will absorb a new vibrational pattern. The Age of Aquarius brings up humanity and Earth into a whole new and higher Reality.
Your Heart is your central access point to the Universal God Consciousness. Enjoy!
Read more on my FB-page ( from The Galactic Federation ,)


Our Astral Existence within the 3rd, 4th, and Fifth-dimensional realities.

Water Star
Our Astral Existence within the 3rd, 4th, and Fifth-dimensional realities. No ET is allowed to interfere other than those in human bodies amongst yourselves.
This is the universe of free will. You are in charge of your future.
Light ( truth ) facilitates a heart-opening process that will lead to the New earth.
Know there is a Bigger Reason for everything, No matter what It Is. For you know it is not what it Appears to BE. Raise your vibrations and rise above it, BALANCE is the key to the liberation of your planet.

This planet is inevitably ascending into the Fifth-Dimensional Reality of Unconditional Love. Slow or fast… aligned with people’s vibration.
Read more on my FB-page ( from Aurora Ray, A. Albers ,)


Soul-Travelers  High Light

Soul Seekers
The soul essence within our DNA and the elevated cosmic energies, connect us to our star/galactic lineage. Leaving one space, dimension and frequency and experiencing
a new level - emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. This is Higher Self... via the different dimensions, incarnations, planets and Rays of Creation.
The awakening by the nudging / whisperings of your Soul Self. Think of telepathic communication with the Beings of the Higher Realms, as receiving Memory Seed Atoms.
Perfecting this, releases you from entropy and decay, so that you may slowly begin the process of rejuvenation and co-creative mastery.

Activating more strands of DNA, 'dormant' until now, is when you empower the vibrations. Therefore the reality of that which you focus upon. And as Earth orbits in successively lighter energy planes..
in her ascension course along with Feminine Energy of harmony, is emerging. Direct your energy to visualizing Earth immersed in White Light.
Read more on my FB-page ( from Shekina, Matthew, R. Herman, A. Albers ,)

Shift of Paradigm & The Second Lemuria ~ Galactic Seeds & The Quantum You Matthew, R. Herman

Woman of Mu
Your DNA has source codes that link to your spirit. As you come together in the heart energy, you step up into a higher vibration.
In Lemuria and Atlantis you promised that never again you would be divided.. Create that sacred space, use it to re-balance and rejuvenate
and then ground this higher light .. to lift all of humanity up. Simple, kind interactions help set up the network all over the planet.
There are worlds upon worlds.. and The One became many.. to explore all that it could become. Your vibration dictates what part of the “buffet of human experience” you will experience.
"I AM through my thoughts and actions emitting a vibration thatwill draw elements to me that match my vibration.”

If you don’t want to be in the storms, imagine and focus upon peaceful andcalm weather. You are happiest when you are being your most loving self.
If everyone were to focus on what they love, the best of the human race would emerge.
Read more on my FB-page ( from Espavo, A. Albers ,)

The Light-Shift and the DNA Activation - Planetary Reboot - - Breathe more light!

When you take a peek beyond the veil and breathe more light
+ The more you love that feeling of peace, the more the Source flowing through you can amplify peace & Beauty in your world.
"Light Cities are deep in construction, manifesting on the physical plane through the passions and precision of trailblazers and light bearers.
The pandemic is Fear. The cure is self care with self love. The right to choose is at the heart of the game. Human Rights reflect the Laws of the Universe, the sacred sovereignty of every BEing birthed into the grand game.
All are being offered choices every day, every moment, every present moment of quantum time. We seek to ensure choice in truth, authenticity, honesty in each soul's heart.
And to guide support and love every one of you as you travel across interdimensional fields towards the Light. The hearts and souls of humankind are gemstones of crystalline light in the multi verse.
Creative, passionate sparks of Source Light are held deep inside each human soul, the Great Awakening is the activation of this spark.
Power is with the people, peace is the path, expansion of thought, idea and concept is the intention.
Remain grounded. Discernment is the key out of the dark storms. Expand with Meditation by raising the consciousness. Understand the power of Gratitude, it is the subatomic cure dissolving fear into light.
Gratitude is the Medicine for all wounded hearts, battered souls... turning all that is negative into positive. "
~ the Arcturian Awakening5DHealing. . . Read more on my FB-page

Keepers of the Lighthouses

Keepers of the Lighthouses & Navigating Multiple Dimensions
"You are not what you have been conditioned, or brought up to believe you are.. you are the Supreme Self, Use your time to confirm that.
The person is a complex vibration, and you are not merely a person! The person is like a costume or a body that we wear for some time
You need nothing to be happy but you need something to be sad. You are awakening from this long sleep of person hood intothe bright awareness itself.
Pay attention to which sees the mind and when you drop all your ideas, fantasies and projections about who you are..
and remain completely empty - This is freedom. ”
Read more on my FB-page ( from Mooji, Kryon and A. Albers )


Vibration & Resonance

You are learning that no force on this earth, no person, no virus, no substance.. has more power over you than the power of your own belief.
Simply! do not allow that which you don’t want, into your field. As what you focus upon with love is your reality… what you love.. you empower
The world around us changes as a result of self transformation. The ripples of your love will see beautiful changes on this planet
No matter what occurs outside of you.. It's about staying centered within a high vibration.

Light forces surrounded Earth now with a protective grid of high vibrations but.. until people are psychologically ready to see spacecraft landing in numbers and to greet unusual looking beings.
Only when the meeting can be welcoming, with no fear.. On that joyous occasion, you will meet other members of our universal family.
Read more on my Facebook ( from A. Wainwright, Matthew and A. Albers )


Dimensional Merge: our quantum reality... that fuels a beautiful future

"The Change in Time" has created the perfect conditions for a dimensional merge. With a higher consciousness moving in... your vibration has risen and the Feminine is not willing to tolerate the old ways.
There are different "you’s" experiencing life in different ways,making different choices... They’re all the same you, experiencing different things. As time alters, it aligns all dimensions.
When the masculine/feminine achieves balance, the dimensions begin to merge.

As planet Earth is shifting…Adjusting social systems for Higher Vibrational Life to bring back parts of yourself and integrate them from the other dimensions of time and space...
You will start to feel less density, even though there is much difficulty and challenge, there is a quiet energy rising up. The feminine energy is subtle, not overbearing... it draws power from Harmony."
You'll make decisions from direction in the universe. It is done by four simple linesof vibrational integrity: " what you think, how you act, what you feel and what you believe."
The beautiful energies on Earth have now shifted and opened a door to create a new realm.

By simply enjoying your here and now – you allow Divine Love to flood through you and out into your world... thus becoming more creative in the quantum reality.
As it is your dreams that fuel a beautiful future.
Read more on my FB-page ( from Espavo, A. Albers ,)


" Let The Sunshine In " ~ Golden Age of Aquarius

You come from civilizations where only joy, kindness, honesty, gratitude and all higher vibrations. Including the thrill at seeing Nature’s spectacular beauty.
You came to manifest the better world - Remember - A change is in human nature, by wanting to see better things on your news, you'll demand them to give us a balance that we haven't seen before.
Entering the 5th D… The Crystalline Grid.. that is designed to remember the vibration of humanity… your future contains the crystalline grid that only remembers Beauty, Compassion, events that create joy and love.
One is focused on the outer reality. The other is focused on the inner reality. The divisions between are increasingly apparent. In one, the outside world affects you. In the other, you affect the outside world.
Embrace your own joy from moment to moment. Strive to think thoughts that give you good feelings.
The quality of your life is never dependent upon external things and situations, but rather how you respond to them. When your energy is collectively creating an inner peace, a powerful wave of change sweeps upon your planet earth.
Imagine a world where Mother Nature and humans are inspiring nurtured and respected. Imagine... for you are the midwives of a new emerging reality.
For in that reality, you become aligned with the power that creates universes.
Read more on my Facebook ( from A. Albers, Matthew and Kryon )


Planetary Transition Team

Sometimes truth is simple. We are made of nothing less than the Divine that chose to experience itself in all forms.
We are “Source" seeking a harmonious dance within all parts of Self.. diving inward, being present to beauty or embracing silence as we simply breathe.
Now is the opportunity to intuitively remind of our purpose and reason for being on earth during this critical time. Co-creators of our experiences in the physical plane of Earth …
all projected onto the atomic substance of physical matter, as our life-force flows and picks up the vibrations of our consciousness and expresses those vibrations in visible experiences and circumstances.
What I think about, where I focus my feelings and energy ...
I am bringing into form. Trying to change physical conditions without changing our consciousness is.. like trying to change the reflection in a mirror without changing the object causing the reflection.
Subtly at an atomic-cellular level, this process is being greatly acceleratedthru Transfiguration codes within our DNA and new matrix for our divine body template.

While karmic energies are clearing up fast… The high frequency of the central sunlight is triggering a mass awakening of the beings on Earth.
Every cell in your body is being completely re-coded in the most galacticand divine way by this powerful incoming 5d light.
Read more on my Facebook ( from A.Albers, P.C.Robles and 5dEarthProject )

In the Sunrise of Awakenings

The fabric of Everything is Beauty and our reaction to seeing the beauty is love.
As transmitters and interpreters of Universal Law and Cosmic Truth.Go to a place of meditation and zero point. Stop everything. When you do, your intuition is free to come in and says,“Oh my! – I see from my own soul.. across the veil."
It often speaks to you through the sunsets and the time alone. It will tell you the truth. The planet is in reboot mode right now.. New ideas will abound.
Read more on my Facebook ( from Dr Zack and Kryon )


To See the Beauty in All Things… the way of Recovery & Discovery

Bubble Universes
When you think a new thought, entertain a new dream, or mentally choose a new goal... your thoughts "leave" you and go out - in every direction -
to the farthest corners of the planet. They carry a life force of their own, like ripples created when a pebble is tossed into a pond. You can't change this, but you can totally make
good use of it. Think good thoughts. ~ Tut The Universe
An open heart can heal, for in each open heart the Divine findsan open window through which it can pour Love into your lifeand into the entire human race.
~ A. Albers
Improvement is the natural flow of Life. What possibilities do you perceive in the unknown future?..
~ J.Price - Read more on my Facebook

The Emerald & Violet Healing Light of Renewal

You are never alone!.. you're always supported by the Galactic Beings of Light. In Community with Nature and the Planets to inspire you and activate this process of your own inner journey
and renewal. Letting go of your old selves and rebirthing into a new Reality and a new TimeLine.
You are the Creators with your gentle Divine Feminine … your innate attributes of intuition and heart... in a deep healing process… a cleansing and transfiguration..
and a wondrous adventure of new discoveries and profound spiritual beauty.
Read more on my Facebook ( from C. Fenn, Matthew and A. Albers )
" I leave my human nature to play out its role.. I remain as I am... as pure consciousness “ Mooji

5d Earth Project - Awakening to a New Life on Earth

Galactic Dragon
At this stage the light beings of Earth become true galactic citizens and begin to govern themselves and live to be the highest version of yourself that you can conceive of and you begin to live from your heart completely.
Sovereign beings do not depend or require authority figures, gods, leaders.. and they live as such. The Galactics plan to replace the outdated systems with ones that are more beneficial to all of humanity.
Vast crystal, metallic, healing treasures are guarded by the great White Brotherhood in the White Dragons.
Read more on my Facebook ( from Michael and the Pleiadians - 5dEarthProject )
Together we are shifting this world back into the paradise it is destined to be. Sovereignty is about realizing who and what you truly are.. Keep your vibes high.

Change / Transformation & Unknown.. the Space of Discovery

Allowing the Change - Transformation - Unknown - Revelations and the new Space of Discovery. "Starve your fears, and feed your love” Fear feeds the infection. Love starves it.
In this global activation, is a great time to slow down and create grounding, in sitting in Consciousness with your Soul allowing the energies to move thru you and into a support system for all beings.
Each one is “planetizing" this energy system. There are "Planetization Portals of Consciousness” occurring in everyone's bodies. ( anchoring Higher Earth & Galactic Energy )

This quantum shift is created to release the karmic birth template that was encoded within DNA by a fragmented and 3D human ego.. As Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies began flowing into the Core of Purity of every Electron of our Physical…
A tremendous influx of Light is now pushing everything that conflicts with the perfection of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies.. to the surface, to be healed and then transmuted back into Light.
Part of this purging is manifesting as this event… as an inner discovery. In a space of love, you become a vibrational catalyst and a force for positive change.
In a vibration of love, joy, or peace, you allow the Universe to help you.
Read more on my Facebook ( from QuanYin, A.Albers, P.Cota Robles,)

Into Pure Gamma & Electrons Clearing

Electrons Pure
Authorized civilizations, highly advanced in all evolutionary facets, beam massive amounts of light to stabilize Earth’s axis.
Earth’s journey into progressively lighter energy planes is planetary ascension- individuals’ advancement is in conscious awareness.Absorbing the Light, enables messages from the soul to reach Consciousness as intuition and conscious awareness.
All astronomical activity also produces the higher vibrations that are affecting all on Earth and humankind.
The Field is the physical space around you that can resonate with another source.
Who can totally and completely harmonize with The Field, can alter known physics finding that place that harmonizes and vibrates with the Creative Source.

By resonating with The Field… it creates synchronicity and enhanced intuition. It makes different things harmonize and vibrate at the same frequency. It's time to connect to The Field..
..asking you to resonate to something beautiful, then stand back and watch it work.
Read more on my Facebook page ( from Matthew , Kryon)

All the potentials that exist.. past, future, right now.

Intuit Life
Focusing on the goodness and beauty within the world.. will draw more of these to the surface. - You make "travel plans" before you come to earth.
Within every given situation, the souls will grow in the areas they wish to evolve… it is what the soul is striving to achieve… amplifying higher values upon humanity
"The river may not be able to move the boulder but it can happily choose to travel around." So.. given any constraints. What is the next most joyful choice!
You are at the end of the cycle, so welcome to the next cycle! And the things you need for stepping into this next cycle are delivered by the level of consciousness on Earth.
The Field and Coherence are the primary codes manifesting now: all the potentials of the planet are in the field and is available to high-consciousness human beings.
Tap into your intuition to help you navigate the energy of this new planet.
Read more on my FB-page ( from A. Albers , Kryon )

“Going forward into a New Reality”

"What reality do I dream for my world and my family of human beings?” - The questions will bring forth answers from your Soul
– answers that can shift the course of your existence into a higher and happier reality. Consider "going forward into a new reality."
This planet permanently crossed the threshold into the crystalline fields of the fifth dimensional New Earth. Severing the cords that kept us attached to old human template.
Allowing Frequencies creating and activating the Transfiguration into new Light codes and a much-needed healing.
Read more on my Facebook ( from P.Cota Robles and A. Albers )

It’s our Immensity of Being!

Water Lights
From the depths of the oceans... we are bubbles of Light rising. Slowly or fast… Going within…in this inner sovereign space.. beyond judgements… that set us free!
It’s our Immensity of Being!
We incarnated for Creating Heaven on Earth… each one with a simple but unique skill to offer. Combined with the Universe’s Law of Attraction. It’s about matching our vibration to the New Earth.

Earth Day

All events occur on multiple levels of reality….and there is always a Higher Plan!


more art of 2022 on Gallery 6


See more Paintings on -Gallery 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 + 5b +5a + 6

Whales . .. Dragons . . Gallery 1 . . Gallery 2 . . Gallery 3. . .Gallery 4 . . Gallery 5b  Gallery6 . Swim with Dolphins: Seminars in Hawaii . . . .return HOME




See Trailer >>


Honey from our beehive with all the magic nectar from the flowers and vegetables that keep us healthy... a big MAHALO to Nature and our gardeners.

At our place here ...Many bees are buzzing on the flowers… their sounds and dances uplift our heart and soul.
And so, what type of magic is expanding outside the hive … beyond the sweet elixir building up inside.
What is the relationship, network and patterns between the nectar of flowers and all life around?
How does the collective unconscious of the hive effect or causes changes on the surroundings?
How can we view Life, Love and Creation from a greater Cosmic mind or mind of One?
The paradox of living on Earth is that this "Sacredness" is not only in our imagination, hearts, and illuminations,
it is also everywhere in Nature, in our gardens, our flowers, our fruits, our walks, our swims,
our relationships, and our play...

when we can consciously enter "Nothingness"
this rich void in "Inner Peace" is at once emptiness and also all that ever was and will be,
the unseen blueprints, the absolute force, this vital Energy and Timeless-Spaceless Holographic World…
All these little earthy things are Entrances into the magic of Life :
like a simple drop of water holding the secret of where we come from, who we truly are and where we are going!
... the world is within me as much as I am in this world ...
now is when & where our perception expands to realize our connection to the essence of ONE-ness !
that is a way to INFINITY!

"Enjoy the New Earth and thank you for helping creating it - Jean-Luc"

You can order quality PRINTS       ( 3 prints $ 42 - free shipping to the US size 14 x 11 inches ) ( or $ 48 for Europe )

- or for larger sizes : print 24x 16 in. = $58 ( shipping included or $ 64 for Europe ) - contact :

+ many other products = Tapestries - Pillows - Duvet covers - Yoga mats - Stationery - Apparel Collections / etc



Whales . . . . Dragons . . . . Gallery 1 . . . . Gallery 2 . . . Gallery 3. . . .Gallery 4. .>. Gallery5b... Swim with Dolphins: Seminars in Hawaii . . . .return HOME


2018 Annual World Congress on Illumination with Patricia Cota-Robles team... Joan and Jean-luc

ET Friends


+ many other products = Tapestries - Pillows - Bags - Duvet covers - Yoga mats - Stationery - Apparel Collections / etc











